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Rhi Etzweiler

Rhi is an avid reader and writer of all things speculative fiction. If it's got an otherworldly aspect, they've probably heard of it, read it, reviewed it, and fell in love with one of the characters.

"I love the stuff with a dark edge. Not those cheesy BDSM scenes," Rhi clarifies, "but psycho-thrillers that f*ck with your head. It's like that video of Pyro with a bubble gun. Or Charlie visiting Candy Mountain. Hannibal frying up some guy's frontal lobe and serving it to him. Or, ya know, Deadpool. Yeah, he's my hero."

“Me and my insatiable curiosity. If there's any justice in the world, I was a very good cat in a past life.”
Rhi Etzweiler
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“What is it about humans that make us so prone to prejudice?”Blue arches one of his unnaturally colored eyebrows and looks up to meet my gaze. “If we didn’t form prejudices, we wouldn’t be learning from our environment, you dolt. It’s an animal instinct. If a porcupine’s quill gets stuck in your hand once, you won’t be likely to go grabbing it again soon, right?”
Rhi Etzweiler
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“Do I smell like wild places, still?”Sergei laughed softly and ruffled his hair. “I’d have to compare. And monitor that. Refine my assessment over the next years…”“Ranch has plenty of spare dung. I’ll be sure to roll in it regularly.” Teeth scraped his arm, nipped his skin gently.“I always knew the Alliance was decadent. I intend to see just how decadent.”
Rhi Etzweiler
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“Yeah, he’d yield. He was a bad cut of steak left on the open grill too long, though—the general’s teeth wouldn’t be enough to do the job.”
Rhi Etzweiler
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