I edit Willa Snap's highly illegal memoirs: sentient Clockwerks, time-traveling dragons, highly verbal cats—that kind of thing.
And when not shifting unpredictably into third person, Richard lives with his wife, two lovely daughters, some cats, and four ducks, in a magical bookstore that is—quite frankly—the only thing that stands between you and raging hordes of zombies who haven’t read a good book in, like, forever.
He has won an Independent Publisher Award, a National Indie Excellence Award, and a Moonbeam Children's Book Award. He’s also been recognized by Writer’s Digest, the International Rubery Book Award, and the Eric Hoffer Book Award.
“I've reached that final moment of editing a book—the one where the text manifests as a living breathing person and starts slugging me in the face.”
“Tavin cupped his hands to his mouth. “Here, dragon-dragon-dragon!” he yelled.Lily stared in amazement. Well, that was bold, she thought, and stupid.”
“Odd names: Winter, Autumn—they almost sound as if someone just made them up.” —Dubb”
“You won't find the tales I bear in any books . . . My tales are from the Moon Realm.” —Ebb Autumn”
“Some people are just sad when there aren't talking squirrels.” —Lily Winter”
“But—" yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!”