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Richard J. Maybury

“Some years ago I read a book that brought Einstein's theory of relativity down to an eighth grade level. This convinced me that any subject can be made easy. In other words, always beware of anyone who tells you a topic is above you or better left to experts. This person may, for some reason, be trying to shut you out. You CAN understand almost anything.”
Richard J. Maybury
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“Americans today sometimes assume the Founders' references to God or Nature or the Supreme Ruler were just for impact or for propaganda. Not so. These were tightly reasoned statements of legal principles. Your rights to your life, liberty, and property came from your Creator, not the government; these rights cannot be repealed.”
Richard J. Maybury
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“Keep in mind that right and wrong are not matters of opinion. They are principles we must discover and apply. They are laws of biology for intelligent species”
Richard J. Maybury
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“To me, patriotism means dedication to the principles on which the country was founded and a willingness to stand firm and fight for these principles regardless of what the government says or does”
Richard J. Maybury
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“Beware of anyone who tells you a topic is above you or better left to experts. Many people are twice as smart as they think they are but they've been intimidated into believing some topics are above them. You can understand almost anything if it is explained well. " ~ "World War I - The Rest of the Story and How it Affects You Today”
Richard J. Maybury
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