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Richard Kadrey

Richard Kadrey is a writer and freelance musician living in Pittsburgh, best known for his Sandman Slim novels. His work has been nominated for the Locus and BSFA awards. Kadrey's newest books are The Secrets of Insects, released in August 2023; The Dead Take the A Train (with Cassandra Khaw), released in September 2023; The Pale House Devil, released in September 2023.

“Try not to sing too many sad songs for yourself. The universe already hates you. Self-pity isn't going to help.”
Richard Kadrey
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“We must always look after our friends, even when they are foolish. Especially when they are foolish.”
Richard Kadrey
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“When you jump off a cliff, is it better to land on jagged rocks or burning lava? I know this one. The answer is obvious: It doesn't matter where you land. You just jumped off a cliff.”
Richard Kadrey
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“So, what happens next to a couple of outlaws like us, hopped up on caffeine and sugar, and on the lam?""I figure it's a lot like Badlands," said Spyder. "We leaver here, get a ride and go straight to Hell.”
Richard Kadrey
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“Did I hurt your feelings again? Sorry. When this is all over I'll send some flowers to your inner child.”
Richard Kadrey
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“You were a prick and a crook, but no one deserves to go out the way you went. I hope it was over quick and that you tasted like ass all the way down. Amen.”
Richard Kadrey
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“It doesn't matter if you and everyone else in the room are thinking it. You don't say the words. Words are weapons. They blast big bloody holes in the world. And words are bricks. Say something out loud and it starts turning solid. Say it loud enough and it becomes a wall you can't get through.”
Richard Kadrey
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“They can talk shit about each other behind the others' backs, but when it comes down to it, money is the one true race and everyone down here is the color of greenbacks and as tall as mountains.”
Richard Kadrey
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“There are two Venices I know about and one of them is a hotel in Vegas. The other is an L.A. beach where pretty girls walk their dogs while wearing as little as possible and mutant slabs of tanned, posthuman beef sip iced steroid lattes and pump iron until their pecs are the size of Volkswagens.”
Richard Kadrey
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“The universe is a meat grinder and we're just pork in designer shoes, keeping busy so we can pretend we're not all headed for the sausage factory. Maybe I've been hallucinating this whole time and there is no Heaven and Hell. Instead of having to choose between God and the devil, maybe our only real choice comes down to link or patty?”
Richard Kadrey
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“The clerk is looking at me. His expression hasn't changed. What I want to do is punch a hole in the front of the desk, reach through, grab his balls, and make him sing The Mickey Mouse Club song. But these days, I'm working on the theory that killing everyone I don't like might be counterproductive. I'm learning to use my indoor voice like a big boy, so I smile back at the clerk.”
Richard Kadrey
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“I'd like to think they're staring at me because of my white-hot animal magnetism, but I'm not Elvis. I'm Lobster Boy, hear me roar.”
Richard Kadrey
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“That sounds like the sin of pride, Marshal. Better run downstairs and let Miss December flog it out of you. Webcam it and charge by the minute. You won't ever have to take government money again.”
Richard Kadrey
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“I don't want to run for anything. I want to shove this miserable cheap-ass check so far up Wells's ass he can read the routing number out the back of his eyes.”
Richard Kadrey
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“Twenty percent? What am I, your waiter? I got you five vampires, not a BLT.”
Richard Kadrey
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“Did you send candy and flowers on Valentine's Day, Wells? It's okay, you know. He was a saint.”
Richard Kadrey
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“If I learned anything Downtown, it's this: the only real difference between an enemy and a friend is the day of the week.”
Richard Kadrey
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“Revenge is never what you think it's going to be. There's no pleasure and glory, and when it's done your grief remains. Once a man does the things you're talking about, he will never be the same, and he can never go back to who he was before. Worst of all, no matter how many enemies you kill, you are never satisfied. There is always one more who deserves it. When it becomes too easy to kill, it never ends.”
Richard Kadrey
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“As each wave of technology is released. It must be accompanied by a demand for new skills, new language. Consumers must constantly update their ways of thinking, always questioning their understanding of the world. Going back to old ways, old technology is forbidden. There in no past, no present, only an endless future of inadequacy”
Richard Kadrey
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“All losers are romantics. It's what keeps us from blowing our brains out.”
Richard Kadrey
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