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Richard Whately

English rhetorician, logician, economist, academic and theologian who also served as a reforming Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin. He was a leading Broad Churchman, a prolific and combative author over a wide range of topics. Whately was an important figure in the revival of Aristotelian logic in the early nineteenth century. Whately's view of rhetoric as essentially a method for persuasion became an orthodoxy, challenged in mid-century by Henry Noble Day.

“He who is unaware of his ignorance will only be misled by his knowledge.”
Richard Whately
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“Happiness is no laughing matter.”
Richard Whately
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“It is an awful, an appalling thought, that we may be, this moment and every moment, in the presence of malignant spirits.”
Richard Whately
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“Curiosity is as much the parent of attention, as attention is of memory.”
Richard Whately
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“Pierde una hora por la mañana y la estarás buscando todo el día ”
Richard Whately
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