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Ricky Maye

“Spirituality can’t be explained, religion seeks for every explanation. Religion will debate and try to prove the existence of God, while spirituality will explain God with as little words as possible. Religion will try to limit God, Christianity, theology and intelligence, while spirituality will open God up to faith; the invisible and confusing and uncomfortable.”
Ricky Maye
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“Not all paths lead to God, but God can lead any path to himself. This God will dine with anyone.”
Ricky Maye
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“We have it backward. Faith is not business, and there is no such thing as quarterly growth of the inward life.”
Ricky Maye
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“People often reject and criticize what they believe Jesus would have no part in, but in reality most times Jesus is a part of the scandalous, the dirty and the dangerous.”
Ricky Maye
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“Faith is a journey”
Ricky Maye
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“Many times in the Christian life, we focus on the five-minute salvation experience rather than the lifetime of work the Lord will put into us and the many paths and instances we will find God.”
Ricky Maye
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“Religion and spirituality can easily be intertwined; however, there is a very distinct separation between the two.”
Ricky Maye
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“I am not interested in coming to a conclusion or finding the “right” answer, I’m interested in going on a lifelong journey with this God who decided he wanted to walk this same journey with me.”
Ricky Maye
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“Conversation isn't about proving a point; true conversation is about going on a journey with the people you are speaking with.”
Ricky Maye
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“Many people will never read a Bible, but they will read you.”
Ricky Maye
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