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Rob Eagar

“Your future is in God's hands, but He does not promise you marriage. Finding a spouse is a free will process, in which two people decide to sacrifice themselves for each other's benefit. Marriage is not some predetermined process that happens mysteriously. You will become very frustrated if you think that God mystically pairs people up. He does not unite people by overriding their minds and wills. God brings people together and encourages them to love one another but lets them decide their relational future.”
Rob Eagar
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“God works on your behalf to help you meet and love other people. However, you determine whom you accept and whom you reject. As you interact with another single adult, you have the freedom to decide which direction your relationship will take. You can choose to become romantic with someone, be friends only, or end your time together. In addition, the other person also has free will say in the matter, which means he or she gets to influence the outcome as well. Consequently, a relationship will not exist unless both of you decide to love each other. If you or the other person make sinful decisions, your social life can be impaired.”
Rob Eagar
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“You cannot blame a dull dating life on a lack of attractive singles if you are too afraid to get involved. If you want to date, then you have to get out and meet people. This goes for women as well as men. You will not progress if you are too scared to open up and interact. A fear of rejection will only keep you in a relational rut. Thus, to stimulate your social life, look for ways to get involved with other singles and make yourself available.”
Rob Eagar
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“No matter how you are tempted, sin can never offer anything superior to the unconditional love and acceptance that you already have in Christ. Therefore, by comparison alone, temptation is worthless. Sin can be very subtle, however, so Jesus advises you to let go of your discipline and appropriate His strength in dealing with fleshly enticements. He wants to help you discern the lies that sin presents and remind you of His passionate love.”
Rob Eagar
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“We were born with hearts that require constant, unconditional love, and Jesus is the only Person who accepts us regardless of our behavior. However, if we do not allow Christ to satisfy our longing, then Satan will quickly promote destructive substitutes, especially sexual excitement. He wants to make us dependent upon anything other than Jesus.”
Rob Eagar
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