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Robert Anthony

Dr. Anthony has spent over 30 years studying mind power development. This includes a doctorate in psychology, clinical hypnosis, and a master certification in NLP. He has authored several books including Beyond Positive Thinking which have sold over 3 million copies worldwide in 22 countries. He has dozens of audio training programs including the Secret of Deliberate Creation, which is one best-selling personal development programs in the world. Dr. Anthony has appeared on numerous television programs and has been a consultant to individuals from all walks of life including entrepreneurs, personal development trainers, hypnotists, couples, students, authors, golfers, dancers, actors, singers and a few well-known Hollywood celebrities. He was also acknowledged by Rhonda Burns as the inspiration behind The Secret. He resides in Melbourne, Australia.

“If you want to know what your true beliefs are- take a look at your actions.”
Robert Anthony
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“The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity.”
Robert Anthony
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“We fear the thing we want the most.”
Robert Anthony
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“Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy.”
Robert Anthony
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“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.”
Robert Anthony
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