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Robert E. Fisher

“When we are offended in our relationship our feelings generally move through 4 stages: hurt anger revenge destructive action psychosomic symptoms depression. One of the best ways to neutralize the cycle is to force ourselves back to the source of hurt and deal with the problem at that level.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“It is said that those who are critical feel the most self-hate. It follows then that those who practice giving praise and appreciation feel good about themselves.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“We must eliminate nagging with its complaining and contentious spirit because it focuses attention on self rather than on the other person.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Studies have indicated that the tone of voice may be more important than any other element in our response.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Just stop pursuing the subject we know is going to lead to disaster. Pro 17:14 - The idea is not to sweep the matter under the rug but it gives a little time for the water to recede behind the dam.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Arguing leave the participants emotionally exhausted and mentally depressed.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Disagree but don't argue.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“The use of tact is always needful but it is especially necessary when speaking a truth that may strike a sensitive nerve in another.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Rather than speaking the truth for the right reasons we may want to make our point defend our position or put the other person down. The truth be told but it should be done at the right time for the right reasons and with the right attitude.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“The way we treat certain people in public should sqaure with the way we talk about them in private There should not be double standard.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“We may feel good about our words our intentions and our motivation may be pure but our message probably will be lost or misunderstood if we overlook how others are going to perceive what we say.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“Interruption is basically a self serving and egotistical at. It blatantly states What I have to say is more important than what you have to say.”
Robert E. Fisher
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“No behaviour on our part is more self-centered than the demand to speak and the refusal to listen.”
Robert E. Fisher
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