Robert H. Schuller photo

Robert H. Schuller

Robert Harold Schuller was an American Christian televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker, and author. He was ordained as a minister, who rocketed to stardom in 1955 preaching from the roof of a concession stand at the drive-in movie theatre, displaying a passion and a marketing towards other people.He had been incorporating elements of psychology, into each of his messages and for many in the Christian community, he was serving up a "feel-good gospel" and that the money he was spending on buildings was to be put to better use by giving it to the poor.

“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“Any fool can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“Build a dream and the dream will build you.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”
Robert H. Schuller
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“Let your imagination release your imprisoned possibilities”
Robert H. Schuller
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