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Robert Hugh Benson

Mrsgr. Robert Hugh Benson AFSC KC*SG KGCHS was an English Catholic priest and writer. First an Anglican pastor, he was received into the Catholic Church in 1903 and ordained therein the next year. He was also a prolific writer of fiction, writing the notable dystopian novel Lord of the World, as well as Come Rack! Come Rope!.

His output encompassed historical, horror and science fiction, contemporary fiction, children's stories, plays, apologetics, devotional works and articles. He continued his writing career at the same time as he progressed through the hierarchy to become a Chamberlain to Pope Pius X in 1911, and gain the title of Monsignor before his death a few years later.

“A HaltLie still, my soul, the Sun of GraceIs warm within this garden spaceBeneath tall kindly trees.The quiet light is green and fair;A fragrance fills the swooning air;Lie still, and take thine ease.This silent noon of Jesu's loveIs warm about thee and above-A tender Lord is He.Lie still an hour- this place is HisHe has a thousand pleasaunces,And each all fair and fragrant is,And each is all for thee.Then, Jesu, for a little spaceI rest me in this garden place,All sweet to scent and sight.Here, from this high-road scarce withdrawn,I thrust my hot hands in the lawnCool yet with dew of far-off dawnAnd saturate with light.But ah, dear Saviour, human-wise,I yearn to pierce all mysteries,To catch Thine Hands and see Thine EyesWhen evening sounds begin.There, in Thy white Robe, Thou wilt waitAt dusk beside some orchard gate,And smile to see me come so late,And, smiling, call me in.”
Robert Hugh Benson
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“After a RetreatWhat hast thou learnt today?Hast thou sounded awful mysteries,Hast pierced the veiled skies,Climbed to the feet of God,Trodden where saints have trod, Fathomed the heights above?Nay,This only have I learnt, that God is love. What hast thou heard today?Hast heard the Angel-trumpets cry,And rippling harps reply;Heard from the Throne of flameWhence God incarnate cameSome thund'rous message roll?Nay, This have I heard, His voice within my soul. What hast thou felt today?The pinions of the Angel guideThat standeth at thy sideIn rapturous ardours beatGlowing, from head to feet,In ecstasy divine?Nay, This only have felt, Christ's hand in mine.”
Robert Hugh Benson
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“Wedding HymnFather, within Thy House todayWe wait Thy kindly love to see;Since thou hast said in truth that theyWho dwell in love are one with Thee,Bless those who for Thy blessing wait,Their love accept and consecrate.Dear Lord of love, whose Heart of Fire,So full of pity for our sin,Was once in that Divine DesireBroken, Thy Bride to woo and win:Look down and bless them from aboveAnd keep their hearts alight with love.Blest Spirit, who with life and lightDidst quicken chaos to Thy praise,Whose energy, in sin's despite,Still lifts our nature up to grace;Bless those who here in troth consent.Creator, crown Thy Sacrament.Great One in Three, of Whom are namedAll families in earth and heaven,Hear us, who have Thy promise claimed,And let a wealth of grace be given;Grant them in life and death to beEach knit to each, and both to Thee.”
Robert Hugh Benson
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“O Deus Ego Amo TeOh God, I love Thee mightily,Not only for Thy saving me, Nor yet because who love not TheeMust burn throughout eternity.Thou, Thou, my Jesu, once didst meEmbrace upon the bitter Tree.For me the nails, the soldier's spear, With injury and insult, bear-In pain all pain exceeding,In sweating and in bleeding,Yea, very death, and that for meA sinner all unheeding!O Jesu, should I not love TheeWho thus hast dealt so lovingly-Not hoping some reward to see,Nor lest I my damnation be;But as Thyself hast loved me,So love I now and always Thee,Because my King alone Thou art,Because, O God, mine own Thou art!”
Robert Hugh Benson
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