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Robert McCammon

Pseudonyms: Robert R. McCammon; Robert Rick McCammon

Robert McCammon was a full-time horror writer for many years. Among his many popular novels were the classics Boy's Life and Swan Song. After taking a hiatus for his family, he returned to writing with an interest in historical fiction.

His newest book, Seven Shades of Evil, is the ninth book in the Matthew Corbett series. It was published in trade hardcover, ebook, and audiobook formats in October 2023.

McCammon resides in Birmingham, Alabama. He is currently working on the tenth and final Matthew Corbett book, Leviathan.

“Remember everything and anything. Don't you go through a day without remembering something of it, and tucking that memory away like a treasure. Because it is. and memories are sweet doors, Cory. They're teachers and friends and disciplinarians. When you look at something don't just look. See it. Really, really see it. See it so when you write it down, somebody else can see it too.”
Robert McCammon
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“All life isn't hearts and flowers. But life is just as much pain and mess as it is joy and order, too. I guess when you make yourself realize that you.. .start growing up - Boy's Life”
Robert McCammon
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“We ran like young wild furies,where angels feared to tread.The woods were dark and deep.Before us demons fled.We checked Coke bottle bottomsto see how far was far.Our worlds of magic wonderwere never reached by car.We loved our dogs like brothers,our bikes like rocket ships.We were going to the stars,to Mars we'd make round trips.We swung on vines like Tarzan,and flashed Zorro's keen blade.We were James Bond in his Aston,we were Hercules unchained.We looked upon the futureand we saw a distant land,where our folks were always ageless,and time was shifting sand.We filled up life with living,with grins, scabbed knees, and noise.In glass I see an older man,but this book's for the boys.”
Robert McCammon
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“The demons almost got me! But glory be to Jesus, and when he arrives on his flying saucer from the planet Jupiter I'll be there on the golden shore to kiss his hand!”
Robert McCammon
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“Right." He smiled bitterly. "Well, look around. Just look. Have you ever considered the possibility that God might be insane?”
Robert McCammon
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“I had a dog named Jesus once. I crucified him, but he didn't come back to life. Before he died, he told me what to do to the people in the brick house. Off went their heads.”
Robert McCammon
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“Rain fell on the roofs of the just and the unjust, the saints and the sinners, those who knew peace and those in torment, and tomorrow began at a dark hour.”
Robert McCammon
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“Many times you will fail. That is the nature of the world, and the truth of life. But when you find your horse again, will go back or will you go forward?”
Robert McCammon
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“...that in this town prostitutes may give sewing lessons to ladies of the church, pirates my be consulted for their opinions on seaworth by shipbuilders, Christians and Jews may stroll together on a Sunday, and Indians my play dice games with leatherstockings, but let one silver piece fall in a crack between two members of the same profession and it's bloody war.”
Robert McCammon
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“Twas said better to light a candle than curse the dark...”
Robert McCammon
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