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Robert Muller

“Decide to be happyRender others happyProclaim your joyLove passionately your miraculous lifeDo not listen to promisesDo not wait for a better worldBe grateful for every moment of lifeSwitch on and keep on the positivebuttons in yourself,those markedoptimism,serenity,confidence,positive thinking,love,Pray and thank God every dayMeditateSmileLaughWhistleSingDanceLook with fascination at everythingFill your lungs and heart with libertyBe yourself fully and immenselyAct like a king unto DeathFeel God in your body, mind, heart, and soulAnd be convinced of eternal life and resurrection.”
Robert Muller
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“Use every letter you write, every conversation you have, every meeting you attend, to express your fundamental beliefs and dreams. Affirm to others the vision of the world you want. You are a free, immensely powerful source of life and goodness. Affirm it. Spread it. Radiate it. Think day and night about it and you will see a miracle happen: the greatness of your own life.”
Robert Muller
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“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness”
Robert Muller
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