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Robert Rankin

"When Robert Rankin embarked upon his writing career in the late 1970s, his ambition was to create an entirely new literary genre, which he named Far-Fetched Fiction. He reasoned that by doing this he could avoid competing with any other living author in any known genre and would be given his own special section in WH Smith."

(from Web Site Story)

Robert Rankin describes himself as a teller of tall tales, a fitting description, assuming that he isn't lying about it. From his early beginnings as a baby in 1949, Robert Rankin has grown into a tall man of some stature. Somewhere along the way he experimented in the writing of books, and found that he could do it rather well. Not being one to light his hide under a bushel, Mister Rankin continues to write fine novels of a humorous science-fictional nature.

“What is believed to be a fact is only a fact until another fact supersedes it. Science is only a fashion. Nothing more.”
Robert Rankin
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“There were large and small ones too. And some quite in-between. But all of equal nastiness.And smelliness and ghastliness.For they would eat a fellow up, as one might fish and chips”
Robert Rankin
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“Omally, as ever, slept the sleep of the just, which was quite unjust of him, considering he had no right to do it.”
Robert Rankin
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“As real as,' said Eddie.'As real as what?' said Jack.'Wish I knew,' said Eddie. 'But I can't do corroborative nouns. None of us are perfect, are we? I can get started. As big as, as obscene as, as foul as. But I can't get any further. But that's life for you again. As unfair as...”
Robert Rankin
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“If there are no spots on a sugar cube then I’ve just put a dice in my tea.”
Robert Rankin
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“Science,' said Mr Anders Anders. 'Science, not magic. I told you before: when things are not as they appear to be, it's because they're actually simpler than you think them to be. Things are never as difficult and complicated as folk believe. You'd be surprised just how straightforward and obvious things really are. The secret is in knowing how to look at them the right way.”
Robert Rankin
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“Jack, get a grip of yourself.'I have a grip of myself.' Jack took a grip of himself. It was a most intimate grip; not the kind of grip that you usually take of yourself in public.”
Robert Rankin
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“Now, it's a fact well known to those who know it well that prophets of doom only attain popularity when they get the drinks in all around.”
Robert Rankin
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“Have you ever head this theory about drinking yourself sober?' Eddie asked. 'It's a very popular theory. Amongst drunks, anyway.”
Robert Rankin
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“And yes. They did become very drunk, the three of them.And you're not supposed to be drunk when you get involved in matters such as this: Big Matters, Matters of an Apocalyptic Nature. You're supposed to be coldly sober. And you just can't be coldly sober when you're drunk.”
Robert Rankin
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“...And there's the Midnight Growlers, a philosophical movement dedicated to high spiritual ideals and the pursuit of truth and -'Beer,' said Tinto.”
Robert Rankin
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“Oh dear,' said Eddie. 'We'd better hurry. Tinto, call me a cab.'All right,' said Tinto. 'You're a cab.”
Robert Rankin
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“Everyone misbehaves,' said Eddie. 'That's nature. Everyone gets away with as much as they can get away with. And the more they can get away with, the more they will.”
Robert Rankin
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“Because I'm a special gatekeeper. I'm the head gatekeeper. Because, although, as you can see, I'm only a head, I'm also the gatekeeper. Which makes me the head gatekeeper. Which makes me very special, don't you agree?”
Robert Rankin
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“The hill road wound upwards, as hill roads do, unless you're coming down them, of course.”
Robert Rankin
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“Still,' whispered Jack, 'you have to keep at it. Overcome the miseries of vomiting and the whirling pit. Pay your dues and work towards the real rewards of big-time adult drinking. Something to look forward to.”
Robert Rankin
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“Jack nodded. 'No,' he said.Was that a trick answer?”
Robert Rankin
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“Need to get to Ruislip by sparrow-fart though', said the squadron leader. 'Think you can do that? Can I come along for the ride?”
Robert Rankin
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“This is not the way things are done in Boy’s Own Adventure books. I recall no mentions of homosexual gang-rape and cannibalism”
Robert Rankin
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“It was joy, joy, happy joy.Happy, happy joy.A big fat smiley sun rose above the rooftops and beamed down its blessings onto the borough known as Brentford.”
Robert Rankin
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