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Robert V.S. Redick

Robert V.S. Redick is the author of Master Assassins and Sidewinders (July 2021), the first two novels in The Fire Sacraments epic fantasy series. Master Assassins (2018) was a finalist for the European Booknest Award for Best Novel, and was featured on numerous Best of the Year lists. Patrick Rothfuss said of it, "I like this book so much I wish I could have written it, but deep down I know I couldn't have written it so well."

Robert is also the author of the Chathrand Voyage Quartet (The Red Wolf Conspiracy and sequels), among the most beloved and critically acclaimed epic fantasy series of recent years. He is a former instructor in the Stonecoast and University of Nevada Reno MFA programs.

Redick is also an environmental justice consultant, and has lived and worked in Indonesia, Argentina, Colombia and many other countries. He and his partner, Dr. Kiran Asher, pick wild blueberries in Western Massachusetts.

“No man can know his deliverer, nor yet the thief of his soul. Their faces are covered; they swirl in the mob at the masquerade ball. Wine flows, and dance follows dance, and we are never certain of their names until that Midnight when all masks are removed”
Robert V.S. Redick
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“The mighty are beggars, child. They rattle silver cups by the roadside, pleading for love.”
Robert V.S. Redick
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“We are all young beneath the watchful stars.”
Robert V.S. Redick
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“Sólo cuando un mago comparte su sueño con otro, las cosas que de otro modo serían imposibles se convierten en posibles. Como por ejemplo, saber escoger bien.”
Robert V.S. Redick
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