Roberta Cava photo

Roberta Cava

Roberta was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and has lived in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta. She emigrated to Australia in 1998.

Roberta has been dubbed the Dealing with Difficult People specialist since the early 1980s. She has an extensive history in the field of Human Resources and is the author of twenty books. Her book Dealing with Difficult People has been an international best-seller since 1990. She wrote it because she saw so many people struggling when they tried to deal with difficult bosses, clients and co-workers.

Dealing with Difficult People has been so popular internationally (with 22 publishers, in 16 languages) that she has been asked to present that seminar to over 51,000 participants in Canada, USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

She has written several sequels to that book:

Dealing with Difficult Spouses and Children;

Dealing with Difficult Relatives and In-laws;

Dealing with Difficult Situations – at Work and at Home;

Dealing with Domestic Violence and Child Abuse;

Dealing with School Bullying; and

Dealing with Workplace Bullying.

“You can't control other people's behaviour, but you can conrol your responses to it.”
Roberta Cava
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