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Robin Benway

Robin Benway is a National Book Award-winning and New York Times-bestselling author of six novels for young adults, including Far From the Tree, Audrey, Wait!, the AKA series, and Emmy & Oliver. Her books have received numerous awards and recognition, including the PEN America Literary Award, the Blue Ribbon Award from the Bulletin for the Center of Children's Books, ALA’s Best Books for Young Adults, and ALA’s Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults. In addition, her novels have received starred reviews from Kirkus, Booklist, and Publishers Weekly, and have been published in more than 25 countries. Her most recent book, Far From the Tree, won the National Book Award for Young People's Literature, the PEN America Award, and was named one of the best books of the year by The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, NPR, PBS, Entertainment Weekly, and the Boston Globe. In addition, her non-fiction work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Bustle, Elle, and more.

Robin grew up in Orange County, California, attended NYU, where she was a recipient of the Seth Barkas Prize for Creative Writing, and is a graduate of UCLA. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her dog, Hudson.

“-"Great! Fucking! News! What would be the best thing that could ever happen?”-“If after I died, I was reincarnated as Meg White?”-“Okay, the second-best thing.”
Robin Benway
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“Put some muscle into it! Channel your inner Trent Reznor!”
Robin Benway
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“If you really want to know something about me, you should know this: I like my music loud.”
Robin Benway
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“I mean, i was into their music and everything way before I knew what they looked like, but they had their pictures in the CD insert and when Victoria and I got it, we were both like, "Why, hellooooo there." Plus, they were British. I'm a sucker for cute boys with guitars, as you may have noticed, but throw in a London accent and I'll happily sell my soul without a second thought.”
Robin Benway
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“Something inside me burned bright when he said that. A hell of a lot of people had seen me last night, but only one person had noticed the tiny details. Only one person has been close enough to see what really mattered. And that person was still standing with me now.”
Robin Benway
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“I liked James and James liked me and we both knew it and if you think about it, that's like a miracle. A real miracle. Everyone says that babies are miracles, and don't get me wrong, I love cute little pudgy babies, but if you think about it, me having a baby right now would not be a miracle. At all. But finding someone that gets me? That's the real work. That's where the miracles are.”
Robin Benway
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“How would you like to star in your very own commercial?""I'd rather swim in battery acid.”
Robin Benway
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“Henry narrowed his eyes at me. "You going somewhere?""Lacrosse field trip," I said. "I enjoy whacking the hell out of people with mallets.”
Robin Benway
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“WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!!! . . .I immediatly whirled around and looked in my bedroom to make sure no one stole my Harry Potter books.”
Robin Benway
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“This isn't television! This isn't a movie! Giles and Buffy aren't gonna appear and show us how to deal with our wonderful new powers! Some fricking owl isn't gonna come sailing in through your window from Hogwarts! There's no Dumbledore! The Cullens aren't gonna show up and invite you to live with them in Forks! There's nothing! This isn't make believe! This is it! It's us and only us.”
Robin Benway
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“Algunas personas nos dejan, si —continuó June—. Y eso apesta. Pero algunas personas no se van, y nunca lo harán. Y algunas veces están allí, pero simplemente tú no puedes verlas. Pero siguen estando allí.”
Robin Benway
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“—¡No va a venir una loca lechuza a la ventana de tu cuarto con una carta de Hogwarts! ¡Los Cullens no van a aparecer e invitarte a vivir con ellos en Forks! ¡No habrá nada! ¡Esto no es ficción! ¡Esto es lo que tenemos! ¡Somos nosotras y solamente nosotras!”
Robin Benway
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“Shut. Up," June squealed. "You have a date with that guy?" She giggled and covered her mouth. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Tell me everything.""I can't do both," I pointed out.”
Robin Benway
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“I wished I stayed at the movies, where I could have at least had some popcorn with my drama.”
Robin Benway
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“Because there’s one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.”
Robin Benway
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“Wanna go study about incestuous royal families and bloody murders?' she asked him. 'Or do you wanna study European history instead?”
Robin Benway
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“You have to turn it up so that your chest shakes and the drums get in between your ribs like a heartbeat and the bass goes up your spine and fizzles your brain and all you can do is dance or spin in a circle or just scream along because you know that however this music makes you feel, it’s exactly right.”
Robin Benway
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“Hey, it’s-!”“Who? Oh. Oh.”“Shut up.”“I haven’t said anything yet!”“Don’t.”“How can I shut up if I haven’t said anything?”“I know you. You’ve got a monologue coming up.”
Robin Benway
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“WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?!? OH MY GOD, DID YOU SEE THE ARTICLE? I AM FREAKING OUT, WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?!? Please call me, I’m starting to act like Tizzy around here. It’s getting ugly. Oh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cuttler, in case you get this first. Everything’s fine, I’m just trying to get ahold of Audrey. Okay, bye. AUDREY, CALL ME BEFORE I HAVE TO RESORT TO SKYWRITING”
Robin Benway
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“Get over here and talk to her. She’s a reporter, not a Dementor.”“Harry Potter nerd.”“Whatever. Take the damn phone.”
Robin Benway
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“Hello. Audrey’s phone. She’s currently suiting up for a soul-deadening hourly job that provides no benefits, how may I help you?”
Robin Benway
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“Did you just say ‘frolic’?”“Is it not a word?”“Who the hell says ‘frolic’?”“I say frolic. And more people should.”“They should say frolic or actually frolic.”“Both.”
Robin Benway
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“I told him that my cat was on fire and he didn’t even hear me! On fire, Victoria! And he didn’t care!”“Aud, that is so fucking twisted that I don’t even know where to start.”“Okay, I know, but it had to be drastic.”“That’s not drastic, that’s sadistic. You’ve got your –tics mixed up.”“Will you please focus on the issue at hand? Evan doesn’t listen to what I’m saying!”“And this is news?”“Should I break up with him?”“Do you want to break up with him?”“I don’t know. Distract me from feeling miserable.”“Umm… ummm… I got new shoes.”“Woo.”“Wanna come over and try them on?”“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Robin Benway
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“So do I kill myself now, or do I wait and do it in front of Evan so he feels really, really, really bad?”
Robin Benway
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“What about James?”“James? James, the guy I work with? James who takes ice cream scooping more seriously than anyone should? James who almost had a nervous breakdown when the chocolate and rainbow sprinkles accidentally got mixed together? That James?”“He has a good work ethic. And he’s cute.”“Hello, I’m not thirty. I don’t want a good work ethic yet. I just want someone who can form complete sentences.”
Robin Benway
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“I’m a ball of rage right now, James. Sitting isn’t gonna do much.”
Robin Benway
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“That would make a fantastic college entrance essay. ‘I Killed My Boyfriend and Still Managed to Maintain a 4.2 GPA and the Lead in the Spring Musical.”
Robin Benway
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“Some people leave, yeah, and it sucks. But some people don't leave, and they never will. And sometimes people are there, but you just can't see them. But they're still there.”
Robin Benway
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“I guess even when you can see everything, some things will always be a surprise.”
Robin Benway
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“It's just how it is sometimes. Things hurt, and they hurt for a long time. You have to fight back, or it wins.”
Robin Benway
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“What's the point of crying if you can't even see the tears?”
Robin Benway
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“You have no idea how crazy I am, I should be wearing yellow Caution tape, I'm that bonkers.”
Robin Benway
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“If our school ever performed a play about the French Revolution, she could play the guillotine.”
Robin Benway
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“It's funny how bed and pillows and covers can change a conversation. Words turn quiet and you mean more and say less. It's like you can build your own little world, Population: 2.”
Robin Benway
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“The Cullens aren't gonna show up and invite you to come live with them in Forks!”
Robin Benway
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“It's OK to not be OK”
Robin Benway
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