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Robin Jones Gunn

ROBIN JONES GUNN has written more than 100 books with over 6 million copies sold worldwide. Her Father Christmas books have been made into three Hallmark Christmas movies. The timeless Christy Miller series now continues in Christy & Todd: The College Years, Married Years, Baby Years, and the Haven Maker series. Robin's novels and non-fiction works include Before Your Tween Daughter Becomes a Woman, Victim of Grace, Praying for Your Future Husband, and Before You Meet Your Future Husband co-authored with Tricia Goyer. Her books have received multiple awards and are a favorite with book clubs and study groups. Many of Robin's books are in eBook, audiobook, large print, and foreign editions. Robin does a weekly Podcast called "Women Worth Knowing" with Cheryl Broderson. Robin and her husband have a grown son and daughter and live in California.

“I told them that when you were born, God was so delighted that He sent a hundred angels to kiss you while you were in your mother's arms. Every place where the angels kissed you, they left a tiny dot. That way, if you ever forget how greatly you are loved by God, all you have to do is look at your skin, and you will remember.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“When I was little, I used to think that the sky at night was a big, black blanket that separated heaven from earth, and the stars were a whole bunch of little pin holes that the angels poked in the blanket so they could look down on us.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“It seems that when dreams come true they never turn out the same way you dreamed them. They twist and turn and disappoint, leaving you wanting so much more. I don't know which to blame: the dream itself or the reality that dissolves the dream”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“For many years, Sierra had compared the Holy Spirit to the wind, as it said the the Bible, noting that it was always there, no matter how faint the breeze. The wind went where it wanted to go, and its path was easy to detect because it moved objects and people. But no one had ever seen the wind.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Sounds a little like my quote for the week. Do you want to hear it? This is by Augustine: O soul, He only who created thee can satisfy thee. If thou ask for anything else, it is thy misfortune, for He alone made thee in His image can satisfy thee. That's rich, isn't it?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“If there's one thing I've learned, it's that God is a very creative author, and He writes a different story for every person. No two lives or stories alike.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“The next thing I want to say is that God's way is always the best way. It's the only way, really. And God's word clearly says he created sex for one man and one woman to share only inside the commitment of marriage”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“This is a quote from C. S. Lewis. It helped me a lot when I was trying to decide God's will fro me when my emotions were overruling my logic. Feelings come adn go, and when they come, a good use can be made of them, but they cannot be our regular spiritual diet.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Why are you crying?''How can I possibly look good to you? I'm pregnant! I'm really, really pregnant!''Of course you are. Why are you crying?''Because I'm going to Hawai'i!''Yes, you're going to Hawai'i. Come on now, pull yourself together.'I kept crying. Darren looked frantic. He stepped back and fumbled for his roguish smirk. 'So, is this a hormone thing?''No, it's not a hormone thing! I'm old, Darren! I'm old and pregnant, and I'm going to Hawai'i. Can you understand how that makes me feel?'He could not. How could I possibly expect my husband to understand all the bizarre things that happen to a woman in spirit and flesh when a friendly alien takes over her body? He still couldn't figure out why Laurie and I wanted to fly all the way to Hawai'i just to spend a week lounging around the pool, comparing underarm flab, when we could stay home and have the same conversation over the phone for a lot less money.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“The key is for you to discover what you love to do, what you were created to do, and then do it for the people around you with love. That is the abundant life, dear girl, no matter where in the world you live.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Who needs a house? I'm talking about your heart. You have plenty of guest rooms there. And that's what you do. You open your heart to people. You keep lovely little rooms in there, just waiting for your friends to come visit. People feel as if they can come right in, just as they are. You don't entertain, you love. That's what lasts. That's why people like me feel as if I will always be your friend. You hold a special place for me in your heart.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“When the devil comes knocking on your door simply say "Jesus, it's for you.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“I think it's possible to realize you love someone as deeply as you know how to love and not end up spending the rest of your life with him.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Do you think it's possible to finally decide that you really, truly love someone but not end up marrying him?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“In Africa we having a saying, 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.' ...Before I go back home, I want you to consider us, Katie. Ponder what it would be like if we went together. Not alone and fast but together and far.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“There are two words that you should use frequently in your youth: ´sorry´ and ´thank-you´. Use the first one as often as possible, so that on your death bed all that you have to say to your friends is ´thank-you!´.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Sometimes the best answers to prayer are the ones God doesn't answer.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“We all need to have dreams. The question is, does the dream control you or do you control the dream?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Sierra felt full of hope and confidence in God. She knew who she was. And she knew Whose she was.Whatever mysterious plan God had for her life, it would be an interesting one. As Christy had said earlier, God writes a different story for each person. Sierra decided hers might not be a bestseller or even a thriller. It certainly wasn't a romance. But it was turning into a fine mystery. And she could live with that.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Christy: "My grandma made this. I've had it since elementary school."Todd: "I never knew that."Christy: "I never knew you left your towel on the floor."Todd: "Uh-oh. Is this one of those issues they talked about in our premarital counseling? Should I hang up towels so you feel more loved?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Did you read the part that says, 'Your hair is like a flock of goats'? How romantic is that? Or that other line, 'Your neck is like the tower of David.' Oh, now, that sounds real attractive! If some guy tried those lines on me, I'm sure I'd fall instantly in love with him.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Fred: "Is that brick wall your boyfriend?"Doug: "Only in my dreams."Fred: "Oh, you too? I'm Fred."Doug: "Doug. I should mention, in all fairness though that Christy's boyfriend is my best friend. He's the brick wall you should be worried about.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“If you feel far from God, guess who moved?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Lord Jesus,' Christy whispered, 'I want You to hold the key. I want You to decide what should happen in my heart's garden. I want You to let in or send out anything or anybody You want. Especially with guys. I don't want to ever unlock that gate again. I want you to open it only when the right man comes along. Take the key, Lord. Take all my keys. I'll wait for you.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Think about it. These guys have far more reasons to pull a prank on Doug than they do me. I kind of wished we had changed clothes, though.''There wasn't time,' Katie said. 'Your true love is in desperate need of your assistance. How can you think of changing into the appropriate attire for a rescue?”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“I take it that's where you met Todd.''Yep. Almost five years ago. Can you believe it?''Five years! You and Todd should be the poster couple for the 'Love Waits' campaign.'Christy laughed. 'It didn't seem that long. A lot has happened during those five years. But I do agree that true love is worth the wait. I'd wait another five years for Todd if I had to. He's the only man for me. Ever.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“And your life,' Katie said to Christy, 'is turning into a rather predictable romance. Girl meets boy. Boy is a dork for four years. Girl blossoms into a gorgeous woman. Boy finds his brain. Girl turns into starry-eyed mush head.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Christy said. "It's just weird, your seeing him like that. What are you going to do?""Nothing. What can I do?""Maybe he'll call you to see if you're okay," Katie said. "No," Christy said, "in the movies he would have told his friend to stop the car, and he would have run back to you with an umbrella and walked you the rest of the way hoe, and you would have made him a pot of tea."Sierra laughed. "I am drinking tea right now," she said. "Maybe my life is a low budget 'B' movie, and all I get is the tea. No hero. No umbrella.""Yeah, well then my life is a class 'Z' movie," Katie said. "No tea. No hero. No umbrella. No plot--""Yours is more of a mystery," Christy interrupted cheerfully. "The ending will surprise all of us.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“[A God-thing is] when something happens in your life, and you look at it and can't explain how or why it happened, but you know there's a reason for it. You know that God is doing something in your life, and it changes you. There's no other way to explain it except to see it as a God thing.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“In the pit of her stomach she realized that everything she raged against on Saturday night-- the restrictions, rules, and guidelines-- was born of an ancient fervor. Every rule ever established, from the beginning of time, invited mutiny.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“You know what I think? I think that if a young woman doesn't engage in the act of occasionally wishing on a star or a flower or a birthday cake full of candles, then we're forfeiting one of the sweetest whimsies of our youth.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“I look back now and realize that the gift of a true friend is that she sees you not the way you see yourself or the way others see you. A true friend sees you for who you are and who you can become.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“It's funny whom we end up choosing to love and who ends up choosing to love us. It's rarely the people we think it should be.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“When one heart opens to another heart, it usually results in love.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Take it and be thankful.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“Then Circled by the golden light of God's Presence and His promise, Paul and Sierra walked side by side along the trail that lead tward the campus and on tward their Future”
Robin Jones Gunn
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“When in doubt chicken out.”
Robin Jones Gunn
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