Robin Lim (b. 1956) is a mother, grandmother, author, poet, midwife and educator who lives in Bali with her husband and their family. She is a Certified Professional Midwife, with the North American Registry of Midwives and Ikatan Bidan Indonesia.
Robin founded The Bumi Sehat Foundation, a non profit organisation which has two by-donation clinics located in Bali and Aceh that provide health and peaceful midwifery services to those in need. The clinic in Bali has been running for almost six years to a community that was economically devastated by the Bali bombings in 2002 and 2004. The Aceh clinic was established in early 2005 in direct response to the December 2004 Asian Tsunami to provide for tsunami survivors and their families. A third clinic has more recently been set up in Haiti in response to the devastating earthquake experienced there in January 2010.