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Robin Palmer

Robin Palmer grew up in Massachusetts and New Jersey, and after graduating from Boston University, moved to Hollywood. Starting as an assistant in the television literary department of the William Morris Agency, she quickly moved up the ranks and spent the next decade as a literary agent, producer, and television network executive at Lifetime Television, where she developed over one hundred scripts and oversaw the production of many of the network's original movies.

In 2001, she remembered that she had originally intended to spend her life either as a writer or a toll booth collector (so she could indulge her penchant for spending her days alone reading), but as there are no toll roads in southern California, she decided to give the writing thing a try. Since then, she's written everything from "To Do" lists to screenplays to essays to love letters and, of course, novels.

She currently resides in New York City.

“The grass may be greener on the other side, but you still have to move the lawn.”
Robin Palmer
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“I guess it was what my friend Phoolendu at the yoga studio would call kismet. That's like fate, but much more dramatic.”
Robin Palmer
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“If I've learned anything in my seventeen years, it's that life isn't easy all the time. Parents get divorced, guinea pigs explode under your watch, and you can't get up the guts to talk to a girl you have a crush on.”
Robin Palmer
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“If I had learned anything by hanging out with her and her friends, it was that once you got up close to people, you realized that everyone - no matter how popular he or she might be - was just a living, breathing human being...”
Robin Palmer
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“I wondered if she really was that rude, or if she had some sort of medical condition where the filter between her brain and her mouth had been broken since birth.”
Robin Palmer
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“Was that girl ever not in diva mode?”
Robin Palmer
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“So you don't really believe in love?" I whispered. How could this be? I was crushed. It was like finding out the truth about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny in one sitting.”
Robin Palmer
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“All I want is a best friend whom I can't wait to kiss again.”
Robin Palmer
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