The Riftwalkers and the Pierced Veil is available now:
Robin Parrish is a culturally-minded writer with a passion for archetypal mythologies and the truths they represent about the nature of our existence.
Spending more than 20 years as a journalist, covering all aspects of pop culture and entertainment, Robin developed a love for great storytelling across all mediums--a love that informs his own fiction writing. Alongside books, he cites among his most prominent influences television shows, comic books, and movies, and the creative minds behind some of the most innovative fiction being produced today.
“Being fearless doesn't mean having an absence of fear. It means you press on in spite of fear.”
“his get up and go had gone up and went”
“That sound you hear is my dreams crashing and burning.”
“We all have that moment in life when something terrible happens for the first time. Something so unexpected, so awful, that it takes the magic out of the world. Life becomes harder, colder. And everything we do in our lives, from that day on, is our way of coping with that one moment. We stop living and we merely exist. We either choose to move on from that, or we let it consume us.”