Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams photo

Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams

Brian Williams spent his childhood in Zambia and moved with his family to Liverpool in the seventies. After indulging in his three main passions during his teenage years - amateur boxing, experimental art and high-speed car chases - he attended The Slade School of Fine Art in the early eighties where he bizarrely earned the distinction of being referred to as “A dynamic group of performance artists”. In one instance, the fire brigade had to be called, bringing an early conclusion to one of his more inflammatory installations, and he was advised by the then Professor, Sir Laurence Gowing, to view the intervention “as part of the piece”. Since graduating, he has continued with his painting, writing and film-making, which has encompassed both his own films and also working as art director and acting in a number of UK productions, including projects by Alex Cox and Charlie Higson. He currently lives with his invisible dog in deepest Hackney.

“Because we are no different from any animal, any insect or germule. We are not special, Cal. You, me, we all came from nothing, and that's exactly where we're all going one day, maybe soon, whether we like it or not.”
Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams
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“One needs something to look forward to - that's what makes life worth living.”
Roderick Gordon, Brian Williams
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