Rodney Burton was born in Indiana as the youngest of eight children. He earned an Associates Degree in Practical Ministry from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry (1997-1999). During his time at Brownsville, he married Kim, and the two of them have been involved in ministry since graduation. They have served as staff pastors in St. Peters, Missouri, as lead pastors in Franklin, Kentucky, and they currently serve as lead pastors in Carthage, Illinois. Rodney's heart is to see the church come alive with the power, presence and fullness of God and his writing is geared that direction. His first work, "31 Keys to Possessing Your Promise" is a devotional designed to journey the reader through keys he needs to apply to his life to inherit God's promise in his life.
“Worship is critical in sustaining what God is doing. As God is honored in worship, His presence will continue.”
“Worship is not about the posture of your body; worship is about the posture of your heart.”
“God's design is for His anointing to come upon those He finds trustworthy, to empower them to do great things for Him.”
“If we go into battle with a mindset of defeat, we will come out of the battle defeated.”
“When you become maintenance focused and maintenance driven, it becomes all about the things you have GOT to do and it is no longer about the things you GET to do.”
“Life isn’t about what happens to us; life is about how we respond to what happens to us.”
“Inability to get beyond the darkness will keep you from obtaining what God has for you.”