I've dedicated my life to the written word. In those years, I've learned one truth: we are indentured to no one but ourselves.
Poets and experimental writers don't merely punch words onto paper to fulfill a predetermined formula of what mainstream audiences expect. We present new ideas that force new perspectives. We ignite debates among academics. We spark passions in people and launch their imaginations. In short, we enhance the reader's quality of life.
All an author can ask for in this world is the occasional fuck, an occasional meal, and the knowledge that his work helps a few working stiffs through their miserable days and nights.
That, my friend, is a sliver of heaven in a world on fire.
Learn more at: PittsburghWriter.net
“Fiction writing is art. It therefore, has few mathematical or scientific limits to its evolution. The writer must always push forward, experiment, and strive to reach new levels of storytelling. Good fiction comments on reality, but transports the reader to a sensational world of wonder and interest that far outweighs tangible existence.”