Ron W. Rathbun photo

Ron W. Rathbun

Ron is an author and founder of the Kelee Foundation. This foundation is nonprofit organization created to teach everyone that harmony of mind can heal you through understanding the basic principles of the Kelee.

Ron's work with the Kelee started in 1985 when his mentor came into class and talked about this phenomenon in his mind. He said when he went into it's depths, he ran into fear. Ron began to study this field of energy within himself and developed a profound understanding of the inner workings of the mind.

In Ron books he gives you a way to release the three biggest problems everyone fears — stress, anxiety and depression. This method is Kelee meditation, doing this 5 minute practice twice a day will begin to free your mind.

“Trust is learning how you feel about yourself,not how others feel about you.Do you trust how you feel.If not, why.”
Ron W. Rathbun
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“The less you look to others,the more you find in yourself.What have you found in yourself.”
Ron W. Rathbun
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