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Ronald Everett Capps

“Takes one motherfucker to know another.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“one drink did not a drunk make”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“Let them leavelanguage to their lonely bettersWho count some days and long for cer-tain letters;We, too, make noises whenwe laugh orweep,Words are for those with promises tokeep.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“...Blow my love to me.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“That was the way he had lived his whole life. To him things were simple. You reached out and took, and if you felt like it, you gave, with the intensity you wanted to give with.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“I ended upwith fortyacres;I ended upwith a broken fiddle--And a brokenlaugh, and athousand memories,and not a sin-gle regret.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“The earth keeps some vibration going there in your heart, and that is you...”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“There is something strange about agony; the memory of it can be terribly short-lived when the contrast of revival and a pretty spring afternoon have dispelled the regrets. One drink of vodka in a cheerful glass, in the company of good poetry and the scent of blossoms and earth might entice the most well intended to forgo promise of atonement until a worse time. I have at times been just less than amazed how one drink merges with the second, where at some unknown point a mental transformation sets in. I have never been able to ascertain at what point that is--not precisely--and I have been conscious of trying to catch that moment, to try and understand it, to try and prevent it from happening, or at least have a fair chance to decide wheather or not to cross over into that other realm. Such an elusive thing, this is.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“If you are capable of hearing, listen.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“People who have the ability to hear, I mean with their inner being, souls, wisdom, are the only ones who can grasp the...things that remain out of sight.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“The word 'love' is a fucked up word that's been used and abused so much it no longer means shit. The same thing is true about 'beauty.' 'Beauty' doesn't mean anything anymore. Idots use the word, and look at what they use it for. Nothing! Anything! If you ever become educated, and I doubt if that will ever happen, you will have to understand that most of what you will learn is going to be just a lot of shit.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“We know so many things that remain out of sight”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“Pride Goeth before the fall.”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“It's about...something that remains out of sight”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“ two children who had, for the first time, discovered someone who shared their thoughts...”
Ronald Everett Capps
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“See what is invisible and you will see what to write”
Ronald Everett Capps
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