Ronald P. Chavez photo

Ronald P. Chavez

Author Ronald P. Chávez was born in the valley of Puerto de Luna on the banks of the Pecos River in New Mexico. In Santa Rosa he was the owner of the famous Route 66 Club Café. During that epic time, Ronald and his café enjoyed fame in world wide major media which included books, television, magazines and newspapers. At that time, his writings began to catch fire.

Author Ronald P. Chávez writes and recites in both English and Spanish. He has also written a feature length movie script adapted from his short story ‘The Loneliest Road’. Ronald has published ‘Time Of Triumph’, a collection of his short stories and poems, a finalist in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards. In 2011 he published his novel ‘Winds Of Wildfire’.

Today he lives in Taos, New Mexico.

Quote From Author:

“Back in the day when the Route 66 nostalgic craze swept America, I rode the wave and became Route 66 icon because I owned a café on the ‘Mother Road’. I was featured in a ton of the major media, including ‘Good Morning America’, ‘PBS’, ‘American PBS’ ‘Playhouse Entertainment Weekly Magazine’, ‘Dallas Morning News’ and ‘PBS Radio’, the book ‘Route 66 The Mother Road’ and far to many other media to mention here. When I was a kid, I shined shoes barefoot and on my knees in front of this café and years later I went on to own it for twenty years. Then a McDonalds came into town and I went bust. Now I am writing a novel drawing from that experience. The title is Ten Cents a Shine: A Route 66 Odyssey. Hopefully the novel will be ready for publication in early 2012.”

“Bigotry ravashes the human spirt like the winds of wildfire.”
Ronald P. Chavez
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“When I write to please everybody, it falls flat. When I write what I know, fearlessly, It won't please everybody, but it doesn't fall flat.”
Ronald P. Chavez
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