Ronen Kauffman photo

Ronen Kauffman

Ronen Kauffman writes, teaches, and occasionally plays music. He lives with his wife in Jersey City, NJ.

"Kauffman's stories are vivid and often hilarious. For a reader who knows little about punk rock, the book is enlightening..." - Princeton TimeOff

"This book is hard to put down." - The Big Takeover

Ronen's freelance work has appeared in Alternative Press, MySpace Books, AMP, Outburn and more. He produces and hosts the popular podcast [] which is widely considered to be the premiere podcast serving the indie/punk/hardcore/metal community.

Learn more about Kauffman's first book here:



Photo by Carl Posey - []

“Dudes in suits and politicians didn't make sense to my 18-year-old brain. All I wanted to do was be awesome.”
Ronen Kauffman
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