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Rosalie Lario

Rosalie Lario is the award-winning, paranormal romance author of the Demons of Infernum and the Fallen Warriors series. Rosalie double majored in Anthropology and Classics as an undergraduate student, and briefly considered becoming an archaeologist before realizing they don’t actually live the life of Indiana Jones. So what was a classical geek armed with a lot of useless knowledge to do? Become a lawyer, of course!

After attending law school in Florida, she practiced real estate law for several years before finally admitting to herself that negotiating contracts wasn’t nearly as fun as dreaming up stories. She never imagined all the mythology she studied would one day make the perfect fodder for the paranormal romance stories she now dreams up!

When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family in their home state of Florida.

“Just shut up and fuck me. Now."~Tayla”
Rosalie Lario
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“Touch me and tell me you don't believe we're meant to be together. Tell me you aren't mine."~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“You are such a...what is it humans say? A dork."~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“Tell me, Tayla," he whispered as he broke away. "Did you eveer imagine me doing this to you?""Tell me what I want to know and I"ll reward you."~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“Do you know how long I've imagined seeing you this way?""Less talking.""Oh no, my beauty. I plan to tell you exactly what you make me feel, and you will do the same for me."~Ethan/Tayla”
Rosalie Lario
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“When they finally made love, he would accept no more than total surrender from her, just as he would surrender himself to her. There was nothing casual about what lay between them, and he wouldn't allow her to pretend otherwise.~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“What could be more real than the chemestries of our bodies being in perfect sync? And I don't think I want you, I know it."~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“She looked like candy, utterly delectable.~Ethan”
Rosalie Lario
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“Not to worry, beloved," he murmured against her lips as he drew her down to the ground. "For now at least, the sky is ours."~Michael”
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“When Michael pulled away, Eva was beyond shocked to see tears in his eyes."I told myself I would be strong, that I would let you go if you wished it, but I cannot. Stay with me, Eva. Don't leave me.”
Rosalie Lario
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“Turning her face away from him, she let the tears fall at last. They were carried away on the wind as if they'd never been. Much like her.”
Rosalie Lario
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“Sudden moisture burned against the back of his eyelids. He blinked it away before crushing his lips to hers, focusing all of his emotion on the joining of their mouths.No matter what happened tomorrow, he hoped tonight, this moment, would be something she would never forget.”
Rosalie Lario
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“I'd like to point out that I've already seen you nude. Lovely as you are, and much as I want to, I won't go where I'm not wanted."~Michael”
Rosalie Lario
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“Damnation," he groaned, lifting his head. "You're going to kill me."~Michael”
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“Kismet, beloved. It was meant to be."~Michael”
Rosalie Lario
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“To see the passion on your face as you come apart beneath my hands...there's no comparison."~Michael”
Rosalie Lario
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“You didn't answer my question. Do you want me?"~Michael”
Rosalie Lario
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“I'm here beloved, because you called to me."~Michael”
Rosalie Lario
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“Let me guess," Brynn said from across the room. "Another brother, right?"Keegan glanced at Brynn, who was staring at Ronin with an expression of disbelief. He switched back to English. "This is our younger brother, Ronin.""Of course he is." Brynn let out an incredulous chuckle. "Did they specifically breed you guys in a lab or something?"He exchanged a confused look with Ronin. What did that mean?Bryn must have caught the look, because she explained, "Since you're all so hot, I mean.”
Rosalie Lario
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