Rosalind Burgundy photo

Rosalind Burgundy

Why does Author Rosalind Burgundy, an American by birth, write historic fiction in the 21st century, of a culture that existed 2600 years ago?

"A major part of my life, traveling as a young woman, I fell in love with Italy and had the opportunity to live and work in Rome's Forum."

That was more than 40 years ago. Now, Burgundy is a down-to-earth wife, mother, grandmother, world traveler, retired college instructor, well rounded in academia and the arts. She lives very much in the present, but with her Etruscan spirit, Burgundy had her DNA tested. It shows her heritage goes way back to the Haplogroup H who migrated from Africa's Olduvai Gorge to the northern Mediterranean.

She lives in the Central Sierra and the coast of California, and winters in Palm Beach, Florida.

“Dreams are necessary to life”
Rosalind Burgundy
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