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Rose Prince

Rose Prince is a food writer, author, cook and activist. Her writing career did not start until her mid thirties. Previously she had worked as a chef and the cook in the Notting Hill specialist bookshop, Books for Cooks. She worked there with Clarissa Dixon Wright. She was the in-house cook at the Spectator magazine for seven years.

She has a weekly column in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. Her columns are widely syndicated. She also has a monthly column in the Catholic weekly, the Tablet (although herself an Anglican she is married to a Catholic). She is a prolific writer and contributes to the Daily Mail, the Spectator, the Times, Sunday Telegraph. For three years she had a column on the Daily Express. In 2000 she produced a two-part biopic about the food writer, Elizabeth David for British broadcaster Channel 4 which also aired in Australia.

She contributes regularly to BBC Radio 4's Food Programme and was a judge for its Food and Farming Awards in 2009. She was a member of the House of Lords Committee of Inquiry into the meat industry in 2000. She was the winner of a Glenfiddich award in 2001 and in 2009 was named by Vogue magazine as one of the most inspirational women in Britain.

She is married to Dominic Prince, a fellow journalist and sometime amateur jockey and they have two children, Jack and Lara. They live in London and Dorset and Prince lists 'lunch, wine, reading and horseracing' as her recreations in Who's Who.

“It's frustrating to witness how popular Fairtrade bananas, coffee and tea have become with shoppers and supermarkets while plenty of unfair trade goes on, largely unnoticed, in our own back yard.”
Rose Prince
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“In the newspapers the row about the prospect of genetically modified food raged on, and yet here were consumers effectively demanding lambs with four back legs.”
Rose Prince
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