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Rosemary Rawlins

Released 11/19

"All My Silent Years"

A story of sisterhood, survival, and belonging set in Cambodia in the 1970's. Heartbreakingly real, Sokha's story sheds light on the universal impulse to return home--and to explore what 'home' means to each of us.

Now in paperback and Kindle on Amazon

LEARNING BY ACCIDENT has been picked up by Skyhorse Publishing and is currently available in hardcover and on Audible.

Rosemary Rawlins is the author of Learning by Accident, an inspirational memoir about learning and growing from adversity through the experience of caring for her husband after a near-fatal bike crash. Rosemary has written over one hundred blog posts on, an award winning WETA multimedia site and is the former Editor of BrainLine Blogs.

“you are not an athlete because of what you can do, but because of who you are: a team player, someone who never quits, who strives to be his personal best, and who believes in fair play.”
Rosemary Rawlins
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