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Rowan Manahan

Irish born and educated, Rowan is the MD of Fortify Services, a career management and training firm, with clients all over the English-speaking world. Seeing as he wasn’t able to broker his expertise in the Rubik Cube into an international showbiz career, Rowan entered corporate life and worked with indigenous and multinational companies. Since jumping ship in 1993, he has amassed almost 20 years’ experience career planning and training with executives at all levels.

Rowan is the author of the best-seller, Where's My Oasis? (The Essential Handbook for Everyone Wanting That Perfect Job) and Ultimate CV (Trade Secrets from a Recruitment Insider).

He serves as an External Lecturer for Trinity College Dublin, Bochum University, the National College of Ireland, Dublin Institute of Technology, and Froebel College of Education. He is a frequent conference speaker and appears regularly in the media sharing his expertise and advice. 

Rowan loves good minds, great music, chop-sockey videos and smelly cheese. He variously describes himself as an author, insultant, storyteller, TEDx curator, husband, father, and dancing bear. Manahan's Mantra is: “We are 98.5% chimpanzee and 1.5% human.”

“Stupidity is an unfortunate consequence of lousy genetic heritage. Ignorance is a choice.”
Rowan Manahan
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