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R.S. Burnett

“Fine, I just wanted to feel like me again” “Babe, you were naked” “Yeah well it worked so get over it”
R.S. Burnett
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“Politeness never was one of your strong points” “Bitch was always one of yours though”
R.S. Burnett
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“Baby that’s impossible, you can’t give him something you don’t have. That man who just walked out of this house, he’s the one who has the majority of it. Chris, he only has the tiny pieces that were left behind when it got broken”
R.S. Burnett
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“Stay away from him! I haven’t gone near him! His fiancé however keeps following me around. Although now she knows I’m one of his ex’s I don’t think she will be anymore” “What did you tell her?” “I didn’t tell her anything. Just that we dated a few years ago and it meant nothing”
R.S. Burnett
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“They’re serious” “Well I hope so, they are getting married”
R.S. Burnett
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“I don’t reply. Surely Tucker wouldn’t bring someone back to a room knowing that I’ll be in the bed too, first shot. He wouldn’t do anything with her after last night, this morning and this afternoon, second shot. Although he is all over her and has been since we got here, third shot. Maybe I didn’t drop my knickers quick enough, fourth shot. He’s probably laughing at me for everything I told him about the dream and stuff I wince and slam the now empty jager bomb glass down.”
R.S. Burnett
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“I only just met you, I can’t lick you when I don’t even know you”
R.S. Burnett
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“You could refer to me as god and the odd curtsey wouldn’t go a miss either”
R.S. Burnett
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“Why don’t we do the whole friends with benefits thing?” he asks seriously.“Because I don’t think I’d enjoy having the benefits you give me removed” I answer back not missing a beat.“Just friends it is then” he says not perturbed and starts eating his lunch.”
R.S. Burnett
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“I have never been with an ugly woman!” he argues.“You’ve never been with one that can tie her own shoe laces either”
R.S. Burnett
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