R.S. Lehner photo

R.S. Lehner

I enjoy the idea of creating mystic and questioning tales that inspire others to peer into the possibilities.

Writing is a way of opening doors that otherwise would remain closed. My main ambition in this pursuit is to show a correlation between everything paranormal, and by that I mean THEY ARE ALL RELATED; yet real scientists refuse to jeopardize their comfort zone and work with these unusual and perplexing incidents and reports.

My interests include;

Anthropology, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Oceanography, paranormal, Bigfoot, Ghosts, hauntings, and UFOs.

I want to share these interests and writing allows me to do just that. To that end I am grateful.





Creature from Crex Meadow


Sometimes They Follow You Home


I feel that writing is also an expression of undisclosed ideas and symbolism that meets my needs. I can really get wrapped up in a scientific study of the paranormal and enjoy such authors as; Loren Coleman, Nick Redfern, Ivan Sanderson, Neil Arnold, and others who "delve" onto unknown trails. I have a keen interest in Bigfoot or sasquatch of the Northwest U.S. and dedicated my latest effort to writing about the connection between all paranormal activities.

Released in April 2012 and available at Barnes&Noble and Smashwords, "Sometimes They Follow You Home," is an effort to warn those who have a slight cursory interest in various paranormal phenomena to be wary of the addicting aspects and potential inherent dangers that accompany such excursions. It is not for the squeamish.

Late last year I released "SQUATCH" and it has been well received. I'm working on "SQUATCH TWO", but it's going to be a while. This is presenting more of a challenge than expected. The obvious inter-connections between investigators such as John Keel, J. Allen Hynek, and others, combined with the unusual and objective reports of Charles Fort, are becoming readily apparent as I continue to explore their conclusions.

I find it interesting that their ideas of conformity, actually follow an order of implied logic and substance, that cannot be denied. Where this may lead, I have no idea-but I have just become an avid fan of Zachariah Sitchin and Lloyd Pie. These authors are compelling and full of controversial notions that smack of embellished truth that defies our generally held ideas of our origins and beginnings. They both conclude that we are not related to the primates in any way; rather we were created in our own present form and DID NOT EVOLVE!

I tend to think along these same lines as primates have their 48 chromosomal genes and we have 46. Scientists are really befuddled as we engineer our way into the DNA codes and cannot expel nor refute these so-called abnormalities. The truth may be so simple and yet totally defy what we consider the norm. Certainly new discoveries will muddy their research further and will not be explained by Darwinian Evoloution. What the future holds is any one's guess, but I think they are "barking up the wrong tree."

“Writing is like crawling across the desert-with each publication being an oasis.”
R.S. Lehner
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