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Russ Harris

Dr Russ Harris is a medically-qualified doctor, stress consultant, executive coach, trainer, author, and a leading authority in the powerful new paradigm of Psychological Flexibility. (This is a revolutionary new development in human psychology that enhances performance, reduces stress, and improves health and wellbeing.) Dr Russ regularly presents workshops on Psychological Flexibility at both national and international psychology conferences, and has a thriving business traveling around Australia running training seminars for psychologists, coaches and a variety of health professionals.

Dr Russ's first book, 'The Happiness Trap', was published in Australia in March 2007, and is already well on the way to becoming a bestseller. (The title reflects a key theme in the book - that popular ideas about happiness are misleading, inaccurate, and actually make us miserable in the long term.) He is currently completing his second book 'From Fear To Fulfilment' - which is also the title of his most popular talk.

Back in the early nineties, when Russ was a GP in Melbourne, he moonlighted as a stand-up comedian, and as well as appearing regularly on the Melbourne comedy circuit, he featured on TV shows such as Tonight Live with Steve Vizard, and The Mid-Day Show with Ray Martin. As a result of this experience, his talks are fast-paced, engaging and humorous - as well as being action-packed with information, tools, and techniques for reducing stress, enhancing performance, and increasing vitality.

“Success in life means living by your values.”
Russ Harris
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“Commitment isn’t about being perfect, always following through, or never going astray. Commitment means that when you (inevitably) stumble or get off track, you pick yourself up, find your bearings, and carry on in the direction you want to go.”
Russ Harris
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“If you’re living a goal-focused life, then no matter what you have, it’s never enough”
Russ Harris
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“Never set as your goal something that a dead person can do better than you.”
Russ Harris
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“Any search for a "pain-free existence" is doomed to failure.”
Russ Harris
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“The fight-or-flight is often triggered in situations where it is of little or no use to us.”
Russ Harris
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“Despite everything you’ve tried over the years, isn’t it a fact that your mind still produces unpleasant pictures?”
Russ Harris
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“Letting the radio play on without giving it much attention is very different from actively trying to ignore it.”
Russ Harris
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“Today’s middle class lives better than did the Royalty of not so long ago, and yet humans today don’t seem very happy.”
Russ Harris
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“The feeling of love comes and goes on a whim; you can't control it. But the action of love is something you can do, regardless of how you are feeling.”
Russ Harris
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