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Russell Brand

Russell Edward Brand is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. Brand dresses in a flamboyant bohemian fashion describing himself as looking like an "S&M Willy Wonka." Brand's current style consists of black eyeliner, drainpipe jeans, Beatle boots, and long, shaggy, backcombed hair.

In October 2010, Brand married pop singer Katy Perry. The two separated in December 2011.

“Interestingly, one mate of mine, a proper leftie, in his heyday all Red Wedge and right-on punch-ups, was melancholy. "I thought I'd be overjoyed, but really it's just … another one bites the dust …" This demonstrates, I suppose, that if you opposed Thatcher's ideas it was likely because of their lack of compassion, which is really just a word for love. If love is something you cherish, it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one's enemies.”
Russell Brand
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“If love is something you cherish, it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one's enemies.”
Russell Brand
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“The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.”
Russell Brand
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“It is difficult to feel sympathy for these people. It is difficult to regard some bawdy drunk and see them as sick and powerless. It is difficult to suffer the selfishness of a drug addict who will lie to you and steal from you and forgive them and offer them help. Can there be any other disease that renders its victims so unappealing? Would Great Ormond Street be so attractive a cause if its beds were riddled with obnoxious little criminals that had “brought it on themselves?”
Russell Brand
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“What was so painful about Amy’s death is that I know that there is something I could have done. I could have passed on to her the solution that was freely given to me. Don’t pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple; it actually is simple but it isn’t easy; it requires incredible support and fastidious structuring.”
Russell Brand
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“Spurred by Amy’s death I’ve tried to salvage unwilling victims from the mayhem of the internal storm and am always, always just pulled inside myself.”
Russell Brand
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“Her death had a powerful impact on me I suppose because it was such an obvious shock, like watching someone for hours through a telescope advance towards you, fist extended with the intention of punching you in the face. Even though I saw it coming it still hurt when it eventually hit me.”
Russell Brand
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“I struggle in these situations not to let my madness govern me, and to let the positive aspects of my character define my life.”
Russell Brand
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“Well this all seems like a bit of a storm in a teacup!”
Russell Brand
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“I was like Elvis "The Pelvis" Presley on Ed Sullivan, I tells ya, punished for the crime of being sexy. (him on the telly , me in a dingy alley... any analogy will break down under scrutiny.)”
Russell Brand
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“Animals, children, and the working class comprise the company in which I'll feel most at ease.”
Russell Brand
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“The need to find out what will happen if I don't relent or moderate my actions has been a constant source of difficulty and discomfort in my life.”
Russell Brand
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“Turns out it was mostly a lie. But, at least for a short while, it was a beautiful one.”
Russell Brand
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“God is in the mountains. Impassive, immovable, jagged giants, separating the celestial from the terrestrial with eternal diagonal certainty. As if silently monitoring the beating heart of the creator from the universe's perfect birth. Stood in the thin air and the awe, one inhales God, involuntarily acknowledging that we are but fragments of a whole, a higher thing. The mountains remind me of my place, as a servant to truth and wonder. Yes, God is in the mountains. Perhaps the pulpit too and even in the piety of an atheist's sigh. I don't know; but I feel him in the mountains.”
Russell Brand
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“If you have no brothers and sisters it defines you for life; even when you're thirty you refer to yourself as an only child.”
Russell Brand
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“My mate Karl once told me he’d been looking after this five-year-old boy who – not knowing enough to have an ironic inflection to his words – said, ‘I want something.’ He didn’t know what it was. Not ‘I want sweets’, or ‘a can of Coke’, or ‘to watch the Tweenies’, or whatever it is they’re into now (I like Bagpuss), but ‘I want something.’ All of us, I think, have that feeling. And what heroin does when you first start taking it is tell you what that something is.”
Russell Brand
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“Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.”
Russell Brand
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“The most insightful thing I ever heard, was overheard. I was waiting for a rail replacement bus in Hackney Wick. These two old women weren’t even talking to me - not because I’d offended them, I hadn’t, I’d been angelic at that bus stop, except for the eavesdropping. Rail replacement buses take an eternity, because they think they’re doing you a favour by covering for the absent train, you’ve no recourse.Eventually the bus appeared, on the distant horizon, and one of the women, with the relief and disbelief that often accompanies the arrival of public transport said, ‘Oh look, the bus is coming.’ The other woman - a wise woman, seemingly aware that her words and attitude were potent and poetic enough to form the final sentence in a stranger’s book - paused, then said, ‘The bus was always coming.”
Russell Brand
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“Thus another friendship was dashed on the cruel rocks amid the storm of my self-destruction.”
Russell Brand
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“The priority of any addict is to anaesthetise the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief.”
Russell Brand
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“This is no time for drinking a mug of water - which you would do nowhere else in the world. A mug of water! You just don't drink water from mugs, do ya? Except on the telly. Water out of a mug! Should be a hot drink... mug of water.”
Russell Brand
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“Being famous is like a little bit of you is taken away and goes off and lives on its own and does what it wants... I wish it would do more interesting things!”
Russell Brand
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“My life is just a series of embarrassing incidents strung together by telling people about those embarrassing incidents.”
Russell Brand
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“Amy [Winehouse] increasingly became defined by her addiction. Our media though is more interested in tragedy than talent, so the ink began to defect from praising her gift to chronicling her downfall. The destructive personal relationships, the blood soaked ballet slippers, the aborted shows, that YouTube madness with the baby mice. In the public perception this ephemeral tittle-tattle replaced her timeless talent. This and her manner in our occasional meetings brought home to me the severity of her condition. Addiction is a serious disease; it will end with jail, mental institutions, or death.”
Russell Brand
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“Perhaps if we could popularise through the techniques of branding and consumerism, a different idea, a different narrative, perhaps the world can change. After all it changes constantly and incessantly, it's just the perceptions that we have are governed by people with self-interest and are not inalignment with the health and safety of us as individuals or as a planet.”
Russell Brand
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“See all these buildings, Russell? All these buildings were once a drawing on a piece of paper, and before that they were an idea in someone’s head. Any idea that you have, you can make manifest.”
Russell Brand
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“By puberty I learned that nothing worth having could be easily attained and to succeed one must be single minded.”
Russell Brand
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“When you fall in love you recognise you're not the most important person in the world, and your focus becomes another person.”
Russell Brand
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“It was in these sessions that I first came across the "To my shame" technique...You can get away with any admission, however appalling, so long as it's preceded by the words "to my shame."...The self-accusatory prefix robs the listener of the right to disapprove...SANS "TO MY SHAME."I used to exploit women because I couldn't cope with being alone...CORRECT RESPONSE. He didn't say "to my shame!" You bastard! You viscious selfish bastard. It's like "Simon Says" for junkies.”
Russell Brand
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“I missed him, of course, but sometimes close friendships have a tidal beat that pulls you towards different shores though the ocean that connects you remains.”
Russell Brand
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“Tumbling into a dark, Lewis Carroll labyrinth of filth, pursuing a white rabbit of smut!”
Russell Brand
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“A personality for the incredibly beautiful can be a pointless cargo...”
Russell Brand
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“I think many of the boundaries that convention has placed upon us are arbitrary, so we can fiddle with them if we fancy. Gravity's hard to dispute, and breathing, but a lot of things we instinctively obey are a lot of old tosh.”
Russell Brand
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“Of all the consumer products, chewing gum is perhaps the most ridiculous: it literally has no nourishment – you just chew it to give yourself something to do with your stupid idiot Western mouth.Half the world is starving, and the other’s going, ‘I don’t actually need any nutrition, but it would be good to masticate, just to keep my mind off things.”
Russell Brand
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“I regret that I didn’t realize that actually they’ve got no power over you at school — it’s all just a trick to indoctrinate you into being a conditioned, tame, placid citizen. Rebel, children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.”
Russell Brand
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“Life’s never a postcard of life, is it? It never feels like how you’d want it to look.”
Russell Brand
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“There was [really] little difference between someone acting throwing french fries in your face and someone throwing french fries in your face.”
Russell Brand
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“It's difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an artificial construction. You are, in fact, part of the glorious oneness of the universe. Everything beautiful in the world is within you. No one really feels self-confident deep down because it's an artificial idea. Really, people aren't that worried about what you're doing or what you're saying, so you can drift around the world relatively anonymously: you must not feel persecuted and examined. Liberate yourself from that idea that people are watching you.”
Russell Brand
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“Boggle with sex addicts is up there with go-kart racing with junkies.”
Russell Brand
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“All penguins are the same below the surface, which I think is as perfect an analogy as we're likely to get for the futility of racism.”
Russell Brand
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“Be led by your talent, not by your self-loathing; those other things you just have to manage.”
Russell Brand
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“I hope it is not necessary for me to stress the platonic nature of our relationship- not platonic in the purest sense, there was no philosophical discourse, but we certainly didn't fuck, which is usually what people mean by platonic; which I bet would really piss Plato off, that for all his thinking and chatting his name has become an adjective for describing sexless trysts.”
Russell Brand
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“Have you been out in society recently? 'Cause it's SHIT.”
Russell Brand
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“What I've learnt - to my cost - on several occasions in my life, is that people will put up with all manner of bad behaviour so long as you're giving them what they want. They'll laugh and get into it and enjoy the anecdotes and the craziness and the mayhem as long as you're going your job well, but the minute you're not, you're fucked. They'll wipe their hands of you without a second glance.”
Russell Brand
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“Some people were just getting on with their lives, chatting, being young. It simply wouldn't do.”
Russell Brand
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“Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.”
Russell Brand
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“I want to change the world, and do something valuable and beautiful. I want people to remember me before I'm dead, and then more afterwards.”
Russell Brand
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“I get fixated when I'm bleeding -- I can see why they went in for blood-letting in the medieval times because it makes you feel a bit better. When I cut myself, the drama of it calms me down.”
Russell Brand
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“If you strip away self-effacement, charm and the spirit of mischief-qualities that make determination and ambition tolerable- you're left with a right ar**hole.”
Russell Brand
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“Say I feel all sad and self-indulgent, then get stung by a wasp, my misery feels quite abstract and I long just to be in spiritual pain once more - 'damn you tiny assassin, clad in yellow and black, how I crave my former innocence where melancholy was my only trial'.”
Russell Brand
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