Sheri Gambino, (S.A Gambino), works as a full time Sales Manager and part-time horror writer. Current publications include: Just released “Lilith’s Revenge and Stories of Femme Fatale”, Available through Panic Press, “Rhymes of the Dead, Demented and Vile,” through Amazon Kindle. Other publication, “Vicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes,” by Coscom Entertainment; “End of Days 2,” “Love is Dead,” and "Book Of The Dead 3," by Living Dead Press; “Zombonauts,” and “Letters of the Dead,” by Library of the Living Dead. Several other horror short stories are due out through Library of the Living Dead in 2011. When not writing, she enjoys photography, reading, and playing with her three dogs. She currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri.
“In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice. Marquis de Sade”