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Sabrynne McLain

My first book, When Red Is Blue, came out in March 2012. I call it a "mevel" (memoir/novel) both because I like the word (I think I made it up) and "autobiographical novel" is simply too much of a mouthful.

I'm a writer with a day job - in fact, two day jobs - so I have to try to stay focused (very difficult) to keep my books progressing at a reasonable pace. The bread and butter job is currently in finance, and I still do the odd editing job for people, though I expect to put that one to rest soon. I also enjoy metal detecting (don't laugh!) and doing DIY around the house.

“Kate was about to protest when something caused her to look in her mother’s direction. She was standing statue-like in front of the television with that brave, painted-on smile. Then Kate realized what had caught her attention: her mother’s tear-filled eyes were reflecting the on-off motion of the blinkers like a watery mirror. Kate stared transfixed at the flashing points of light that betrayed her mother’s pain. The urge to tell her father how much she wanted him to be proud of her and how much he had hurt her, faded in the dark depths of her mother’s eyes.”
Sabrynne McLain
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“And Kate thought about a time, long ago, when she had witnessed an ongoing romance between two mental patients. As a teenager watching their unlikely relationship unfold in front of her, she had understood that people did whatever they needed to do to be happy, regardless of their unfortunate circumstances. She supposed her mother’s day care center was born out of the desire to feel needed, while making use of the skills that were practically all she had managed to acquire during decades of battling a debilitating illness.”
Sabrynne McLain
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