Though Sadie does write on occasion, she is predominantly a reader. She hails from the Southeastern United States, has twice lived in Northwestern England, and now resides in the American Midwest.
She holds a BSc in Anthropology/Comparative Religion, and masters' in International Criminology and Social Change, and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Public and Social Policy. She loves local coffee shops, geek culture, everything bookish, and tea (steaming with milk and sweet iced). She is married, with two daughters and only moderately neurotic border collie/Australian shepherd and Australian Shepherd/Australian Cattle Dog mixes.
On a side note, she uses GR and her shelves to keep track of books she's read, hopes to read, has been asked to read, intends never to read, etc. Thus they are full to overflowing. Don't judge, yeah?
“For some death is an art, for others it is merely an inevitability.”