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Sahar Hashemi

Sahar Hashemi is high profile UK entrepreneur. Formerly a lawyer, she left the comfort zone of her career to start Coffee Republic, UK's first coffee bar chain with her brother Bobby. In five years they built it into one of Uk's most recognisable brands with 110 stores and a turnover of £30m. Sahar left Coffee Republic in 2001 and wrote about the highs and lows of their journey in her bestselling book 'Anyone Can Do It- Building Coffee Republic from our kithcen table'which was published in 2003. She then started Skinny Candy, a guiltfree confectionary brand which she sold to confectionary giant, Glisten PlC in 2007. Her new book 'Switched On' published in April 2010 is based on her personal experience of igniting entrepreneurial thinking and innovation mindset within large corporations. Sahar has been named 'Pioneer to the life of the nation' by Her Majesty The Queen and 'Young Global Leader' by the World Economic Forum Davos.

“هناك قول مأثور عن هنري فورد عندما أراد أن يجعل خط الإنتاج الذي قام بتصنيعه أن يعمل أسرع، وأخبره العمال الذين كانو يعملون معه منذ سنين طويلة أن الخط يعمل بأقصى سرعة ممكنة، عندها قال "إذا فاذهبو احضرو لي شابا عمره 25 عاما لا يعرف أن هذا لا يمكن عمله”
Sahar Hashemi
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