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Saira Viola

“We're all prostitutes sir we're all selling ourselves for something”
Saira Viola
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“All's fair in love and litigation”
Saira Viola
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“Talent by association made him nauseous”
Saira Viola
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“Everyone knew what the night would bring lots of D and A plenty of T and A”
Saira Viola
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“Josh had a movie star jewfro and a smug little grin”
Saira Viola
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“Mr Davis was a middle class tremble of a man worried about an unseemly display and his Jerry Springer moment”
Saira Viola
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“..... this isn't some LA country rock jam reminiscing on the pyschtotropic pot pansies of Haight Ashbury . This is the soot and smut of London mate !”
Saira Viola
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“Pudge was quivering like a weeble toy likely to topple over any second”
Saira Viola
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“In the world of Big Macks Starbucks coffee and oversized SUVS it was business as usual snort and go”
Saira Viola
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“Kara knew all he recognized was T and A on a string and he was nothing more than a sleazy puppeeter , so long as there were souls for sale he was ready to buy ..”
Saira Viola
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“Kara knew je only recognised t and a on a string and he was nothing more than a sleazy pupeeter”
Saira Viola
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“Kara didn't feel like a dial and go coke pusher but she was a supremely good hustler”
Saira Viola
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“Just a bullet a bag and a dream that's all I had now look at what I got”
Saira Viola
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“He was a boom boom shake the room " kind of guy”
Saira Viola
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“Poncho was in a red mood slanging with rage and needed to cook himself out of it , while shoving handfuls of salted peanuts down his gullet and slurping ice cold Fanta”
Saira Viola
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“T was in a blue mood , his open reflections on the isloation of his life floating like Jazz notes under a "pink moon”
Saira Viola
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“With him big Phil from Notting Hill an old "face" from the sixties a pin up gangster with a "mars bar" weal scraping his left cheek and of course two "wag" slags in tow trussed up like French Poodles with "Bratz babe" stares and Gucci Handbags”
Saira Viola
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“Mishaque was a stouty blend of Irish "shrek" mixed with crazy Jafakain, his front was car dealing.”
Saira Viola
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“A Harvey Nicks chick with throwaway morals and a trustfund appetite.”
Saira Viola
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