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Sally Vickers

Salley Vickers was born in Liverpool, the home of her mother, and grew up as the child of parents in the British Communist Party. She won a state scholarship to St Paul’s Girl’s School and went on to read English at Newnham College Cambridge.

She has worked, variously, as a cleaner, a dancer, an artist’s model, a teacher of children with special needs, a university teacher of literature, and a psychoanalyst. Her first novel, ‘Miss Garnet’s Angel’, became an international word-of-mouth bestseller. She now writes full time and lectures widely on many subjects, particularly the connections between, art, literature, psychology and religion.

Her principal interests are opera, bird watching, dancing, and poetry. One of her father's favourite poets, W.B.Yeats, was responsible for her name Salley, (the Irish for 'willow') which comes from Yeats’s poem set to music by Benjamin Britten 'Down by the salley gardens'.

“It is hard to account for the common human resistance to happiness, unless it is that we would rather be crippled by what we lack than risk the pain that is one potential consequence of placing our secret selves in others' take delight in being loved requires nerve."The Other Side of You”
Sally Vickers
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“It's funny how you imagine loving someone is enough to make them believe you love them.Thomas to Elizabeth, "The Other Side of You”
Sally Vickers
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“Age and disease and death may destroy our physical being but it is other people who get inside us and damage our hearts and minds."The Other Side of You”
Sally Vickers
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“You think I'm strong because I sound off and go on about things and am very direct and seem very full of myself...but the truth is, I am much, much feebler than you. I just go on like this to keep my end up. You think what you're doing is right and that gives you strength. You see, I know I'm not right, I know there is no right. The only "right" I am is that I know what I like and what I want, and what I like and what I want is you, more than anyone else in all the world does, or could."Thomas to Elizabeth "The Other Side of You”
Sally Vickers
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“Full revelation, she couldn't help feeling, was something which was considered a virtue only among the reckless or the cruel.”
Sally Vickers
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