Author of the bestselling humorous novel “The Dirty Parts of the Bible”—now a graphic novel—and paraphrase editions of classic wisdom books from philosophers like Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Host of the “Living from the Soul” podcast, available on all platforms.
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“Oftentimes, a truth is so big, so far beyond our understanding, that the only way we can grasp it is through a story. The creation of the whole universe is like that. How can our puny brains contain it?”
“Some people put more effort and money into the wedding day than they do into the marriage itself, then it’s all downhill from there. I was happy for a simple start; things could only get better.”
“Bing Crosby and those fellows promised to love deeper than the ocean and higher than the stars for eternity. But who can sustain that kind of emotion for a month, or a year--much less forever? The song ends, the feeling fades, and they’re onto the next pretty girl.”
“Remember--Adam was only God’s rough draft, but Eve was his masterpiece.”
“Society always tries to enslave, imprison, and execute its greatest men, those who dare to stand apart and rise above.' He scratched his chin. 'That’s why I’m keeping a low profile--so the bastards don’t get me.”
“Texas’s main exports are cotton, oil, and preachers.”
“...water is to the land what blood is to the body.”
“...a square dance might start innocent, but it sure don’t take long to cut off the corners.”
“Remember this, my boy. The two greatest men who ever livied-Jesus and Socrates-were both hoboes.”
“I left the room in a daze, wondering if this was all real-or if I'd finally gone insane from whacking the weasel.”
“To me, a forest is just a bunch of trees, but lakes and rivers are alive. Water is to the land what blood is to the land.”