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Samantha Combs

Samantha Combs is a multi-published, young adult/middle grade author living in Southern California. The award-winning author of nine books, five are young adult paranormals: Spellbound, Everspell, Ghostly, Waterdancer, and The Deadlies; one is a middle grade horror novel: The Detention Demon; and three are adult horror collections: Teeth and Talons, Way Past Midnight, and Helloween. Samantha has two other completed manuscripts and and so many others planned, she hopes to release in the near future. She publishes with three houses: Astraea Press, Musa Publishing and Sweet Cravings Publishing. 2013 looks even more amazing than 2012 did with three planned releases

When she is not writing or reading voraciously, Samantha enjoys bloggers, the Food Network Channel, reality television and wandering around the aisles at Target. She recently conquered Facebook and is learning how to use Twitter. She is sure she can handle any situation if she has the right shoes and has a mad passion for totally inappropriate earrings. Samantha believes the movement toward technology is the most exciting thing to happen to publishing and can’t wait to see what the industry is going to do next. Anything that makes kids want to read can’t be a bad thing.

“Now that the barn has burned down, I can see the moon. - Persian proverb”
Samantha Combs
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“Write, publish, and be informed!”
Samantha Combs
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