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Samantha Daniels

Samantha Daniels is one of the foremost Professional Matchmakers and Dating experts in the country. She owns a bicoastal matchmaking service called Samantha's Table. She is ivy league educated, a former Divorce attorney by trade and she has an uncanny ability to know who goes well with whom. She has been responsible for over 250 people getting married and thousands of substantial relationships. She works with high profile People and Celebrities- matching them, advising them on their dating and helping them to find the one thing that is missing in their lives, that "one" person with whom to share it all. She is frequently relied upon dating, relationship and romance expert, and is seen regularly on-television, on the radio and in national newspapers and magazines. She has been a national spokesperson for a number of consumer brands including Crest, Oral B and Febreze. She was also the inspiration for and a producer on the NBC/Darren Star dramedy, Miss Match starring Alicia Silverstone, the show was based on her life story. Besides being the author of Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern-Day Matchmaker (Simon & Schuster), she also writes regularly for the Huffington Post and and she is a Celebrity Curator for Open Sky.

Samantha used all of the expertise that she accumulated by being in the Matchmaking/love/dating/relationship/divorce and romance industry for over 15 years to write Matchbook. Matchbook reads like chicklit with dating and relationship lessons all throughout. If you are looking for a “laugh out loud” read that will really hit home regardless of whether you are married, single or dating, Matchbook is the book for you.

“Did you know that when Dave Navarro first met Carmen Electra, rumor has it that he was so taken with her beautiful eyes that he went out and bought over a hundred pairs of sunglasses for her to wear to cover her eyes whenever she left her house so no one would fall in love the way he did?”
Samantha Daniels
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“A guy should make the woman he is dating feel different and more special than anyone else in his life”
Samantha Daniels
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