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Samuel Bolton

“The law as it is considered as a rule can be no more abolished or changed than the nature of good and evil can be abolished or changed.”
Samuel Bolton
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“We cannot wait until we feel the Spirit moving us... We must obey God even when our heart is not in it- often to discover that our hearts come alive to our duty even while we do it.”
Samuel Bolton
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“There are many who reject the opinions of these days as errors because they will not be troubled to search and examine whether they are truths or not. We are commanded to try all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21); and how can we be grounded and established in the truth, or know truth from error, if we do not search the mind of God and learn His mind and will? 1 John 4:1: “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be of God or not.”Many a truth is rejected in these days because many an error is entertained… It is not enough to say, with Pilate, “What is truth?” and then sit still, as many ask questions for discourse’s sake rather than out of a desire to be satisfied; but you must search the mind of God and inquire diligently.”
Samuel Bolton
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“That part of the judicial law whichwas typical of Christ's governmenthas ceased, but that part which is ofcommon and general equity remainsstill in force. It is a common maxim:those judgments which are commonand natural are moral and perpetual.”
Samuel Bolton
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“God has thoughts of love in all He does to His people. The ground of His dealings with us is love (though the occasion may be sin), the manner of His dealings is love, and the purpose of His dealings is love,. He has regard, in all, to our good here, to make us partakers of His holiness, and to our glory hereafter, to make us partakers of His glory.”
Samuel Bolton
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“We (believers) still have the presence of sin, nay, the stirrings and workings of corruption. These make us to have many a sad heart and a wet eye. Yet Christ has thus far freed us from sin; it shall not have dominion. There may be the turbulence, but not the prevalence of sin...(Sin) may get into the throne of the heart and play the tyrant in this or that particular act of sin, but it shall never more be as a king there.”
Samuel Bolton
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