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Samuel Shem

“I found myself thinking of Potts as a tragic figure, a guy who'd been a happy towheaded kid you'd love to take fishing with you, who'd mistakenly invested in academic medicine when he'd have been happy in his family business, and who'd become a splattered mess on the parking lot of a hospital in a city he'd despised. What had been the seductiveness of medicine? Why?”
Samuel Shem
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“Life's like a penis; When it's soft you can't beat it; When it's hard you get screwed. - The Fat Man, Medical Resident in The House of God”
Samuel Shem
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Samuel Shem
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“We were putting into these gomers our fear of death, but who knew if they feared death? Perhaps they welcomed death like a dear long-lost cousin, grown old but still known, coming to visit, relieving the loneliness, the failing of the senses, the fury of the half-blind looking into the mirror and not recognizing who is looking back, a dear friend, a dear reliever, a healer who would be with them for an eternity, the same eternity as the long ago, before birth.”
Samuel Shem
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“Basch: So why don't you ask her out?The Runt: I'm scared she wouldn't like me and say no.-So what? What have you got to lose?-The possibility -if she says no- that she might have said yes. Whatever I do, I don't want to lose that possibility.”
Samuel Shem
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“At a cardiac arrest, the first procedure is to take your own pulse”
Samuel Shem
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“The patient is the one with the disease”
Samuel Shem
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“To do nothing for the gomers was to do something, and the more conscientiously I did nothing the better they got.”
Samuel Shem
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“A BMS hears hoofbeats outside his window, the first thing he thinks of is a zebra”
Samuel Shem
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“Gomers are human beings who have lost what goes into being human beings. They want to die, and we will not let them.”
Samuel Shem
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