Who is Sanjo Jendayi?
Sanjo Jendayi is an Inspirational Speaker, Amazon Best Selling Author, Spoken Word Artist, Reiki Master, and a Master Life Coach holding certifications in Professional Life Coaching, Transformation Coaching, EFT Tapping, Mindfulness Coaching, CBT Cognitive Behavioral Anxiety Management Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching and Workshop Facilitator. Readers and listeners alike are mesmerized, challenged and inspired by her unique way of speaking directly into their soul. She merges her S.E., DC street edge with her spiritual grounding leaving everyone on the verge of change.; her transparent style chips away at the proverbial, “elephant in the room” that no one wants to talk about. She transitioned into her purposed name, Sanjo Jendayi (African for "One who appreciates her past & gives thanks") because it speaks to who she truly is today.
Sanjo began speaking to large crowds at the tender age of 7 when she introduced the former, DC Mayor Marion Barry at his Inauguration Luncheon. For over 29 years, she has touched on the very obstacles that she, herself had to overcome. She has dedicated her life to inspiring others to rise above their circumstances, take responsibility and turn mistakes into learning lessons. Sanjo later became a certified trainer and workshop facilitator for the 'National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), igniting the entrepreneurial mindset in our youth preparing them to be tomorrow's innovators.
In 2007, she was formally trained by the Legendary Watts Prophets as a Creative Writing Facilitator; Sanjo spent ten years carrying the torch and putting the Watts Prophets 'formula' to great use, creating and facilitating workshops as a Poet in Residence with the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commissions' (MNCPPC) 'Expressions Talk Up, Not Down Summer Camp' empowering youth to therapeutically express themselves through poetry. She is passionate about tapping into the inner child within everyone to reach that sheer, innocent place where they once believed anything was possible. Sanjo resurrects that belief!
Dubbed a Warrior Goddess by her Great Aunt, Sanjo lives up to that moniker as a conqueror of Lung Cancer while continuing to battle Sarcoidosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia. She is a woman who recorded and produced her 24 track CD on 24hrs bed rest a few weeks after having lung cancer removed.; A woman who wrote a book in 7 days during a hospital stay; and a woman who refuses to give up or give in to anything less than her best. Yet, her most treasured titles are Mom and NaNa.
Speaking Events:
Concerned Black Men
Morgan State University
DC Public Schools
DC Youth Home (Girls)
Blacks In Government (BIG)
The Washington Convention Center
Keynote Speaker @ Livingstone College (NC)
MultiCultural Youth Organization
Spoken Word Performances:
For Sister's Only Event
The Black family Renuion
The Black Luv Festival
Won BET Talent Showcase
Infusions Tea Cafe
Cada Vez
Mad Jazz Poetry Showcase
Hyroglificks Open Mic Co-host (The Soul Factory)
Mayorga Cafe
Juneteenth Festival (Lexington Park, MD)
Lake Arbor Day Festival
Can A Sista Rock A Mic (CASRAM 2007)
Creative Writing Alliance
Mocha Hut
Bohemian Caverns
Flowers High School
Sisters4Sisters, Inc.
GitlTalk Unplugged Getaway 2013
MNCPPC Expressions Talk up, Not Down Summer Camp
Radio/TV Appearances:
"On Time" TV Talk Show in Baltimore
DC Public Access Channel 28
Channel 7 & 9 News
Co-hosted Dr. E. Faye Williams Radio Show (1450 WOL)
Community News with David Haines
The Mark Thompson Show (XM Radio)
The Winston Chaney Show (1340 WYCB)
Radio/TV Voice Over Representative for local clothing chain
The Life & Times TV Show (DCTV)
The April Sims Arts & Entertainment Radio Show
He Said, She Said Show w/Renee Nash and Coach WHUR 96.3
“Every closed door isn't locked and even if it is...YOU just might have the key! Search within to unlock a world of possibilities!”
“If "IT" doesn't break you, you have the opportunity to overtake "IT"!”
“When that light within begins to dim, fan the flame just enough to spark something!”
“It seems the older we get, the tighter our inner circle becomes. When life has you down, some of those you thought had your back run, others...sometimes strangers surprise you and fill that empty space up. Oh, but life has a great balancing act and when that axle turns and you are right side up again...you will definitely not be looking for any long, lost "friends" because your inner circle is battle-tested to win!”
“When asked why I am single, my reply is simply; I consider myself a black pearl rare in my authenticity, adding a mysterious beauty to the select few who can recognize & even fewer who appreciate my worth. So instead of dating, I throw myself into working in the field. If my Boaz recognizes me amongst the black rocks...great! If not, the magnificence of my rarity will simply radiate onto those working the fields as well in the form of teaching, which is what I do.”
“Everything needs love… and everything you do or don’t do is a reflection of how you love you!”
“Real MEN don't need a woman covering for him because a Real MAN IS a woman's covering!”
“Life is NOT short! It's just by the time we catch up to appreciating it...we've already left life at least halfway behind us.”
“Sometimes you can sense when Change is in the air and before you know it, Change is staring you right in your face. At that very moment, you get to choose if you will embrace it and adjust or fight it and prolong the inevitable but rest assured Change will have its way sooner or later. The only difference in choosing Change or fighting it...is simply the pain attached to the fight.”
“Every living thing requires love to survive for without it, we die.”
“The human touch is a necessary element of life. Sometimes a simple hug could mean the world to someone. Go ahead, hug someone toady.”
“God will not give you more than you can bear. Just when it feels like your back is breaking...the weight is lifted & you can stand straight again. He knows just how much you can carry & you find out that you are stronger than you thought. You have also built muscles for the future.”
“Choose your words wisely with consideration for others & self because repetitive, meaningless words...leave people tone deaf.”
“As long as you have breath, YOU have a chance!”
“Greatness is sifted through the grind, therefore don't despise the hard work now for surely it will be worth it in the end.”
“Oftentimes people expect Christians to be perfect but the reality is...Spiritual perfection is imperfection! God then does His best work.”