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Sara Gran

Sara Gran's most recent book is THE BOOK OF MOST PRECIOUS SUBSTANCE, available from Dreamland Books in the US and Faber Books in the UK. She is the author of 6 1/2 previous novels, a screenwriter, and a publisher.

“I never met an addict who came from a nice home . I've met addicts that came from families that had money and nice houses. But never from a nice home.”
Sara Gran
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“Some people, I saw, had drowned right away, and some people were drowning in slow motion, drowning a little bit at a time, and would be drowning for years. And some people, like Mick, had always been drowning, they just didn’t know what to call it until now.”
Sara Gran
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“Because this, for better or worse, is exactly where the truth lies--at the intersection of the forgotten and the ignored, in the neighborhood of all we have tried to forget.”
Sara Gran
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“It doesn't matter what people want to hear. It doesn't matter if people like you. It doesn't matter if the whole world thinks you're crazy. It doesn't matter whose heart you break. What matters is the truth.”
Sara Gran
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“Never be afraid to learn from the ether...That's where knowledge lives before someone hunts it, kills it, and mounts it in a book.”
Sara Gran
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